Anderson Cooper 360°

Anderson Cooper 360°

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EP1 Episode 1 Jan 01, 2025

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5.4| 0h30m| TV-PG| en| More Info
Released: 08 September 2003 Returning Series
Producted By: CNN
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Anderson Cooper goes beyond the headlines to tell stories from many points of view, so you can make up your own mind about the news.

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raderpat I used to love Anderson Cooper and his 360 show. But the election coverage has brought out the worst in him. He's getting as bad as Nancy Grace, arguing with guests, talking over people he disagrees with, etc. He is transparently a Hillary fan which is his prerogative. But, he should be reporting the news, not trying to make the news by trying to shove his opinions down people's throats.I certainly hope he returns to the Anderson that I've always loved after this miserable election is over.I just read that his daytime show is being canceled. I hope they do not cancel the "360" show. He's usually a very talented host. I think he has let this election change him into an opinionated ogre!!
rochelle-rochelle I'm a conservative and even a Bush fan, but I can't help but LOVE Anderson Cooper!! I'm a closet Cooper fan! Shhh!! Don't tell anyone at my church. I hate the CNN channel because everything on there is so biased and left of center, and they don't report the news. They sponsor and pay liberals to be on their programs. They give more airtime, uninterrupted to liberals and conservatives are shut off, cut off or over-talked when on the shows (except Larry King).I give the show a 9 out of 10 because I don't consider this a "news" show. I consider it a talk show and I like the format of the show where he is not behind a desk reporting news. He goes a full 360 degrees around the globe reporting news and events and topics from the source. I like that. Very appealing, unique and innovative. Anderson Cooper is also very easy on the eyes and attractive and soothing. He's great. I have never seen a complete episode from start to finish, but I always see the first 15-20 minutes after Larry King.Just cut out all the commercials. I swear, they have 10 minutes of commercials for every 5 minutes of programming. That's when I tune out and watch a different show and forget to come back.Anderson Cooper, as hot as he is, is as liberal as they come. He "moderated" the CNN/Youtube debate in July 2007 and he seemed to be a big fan of a couple of contenders there and even joked with a few. You can tell by his "news" program that he is a staunch supporter of the donkey, liberal issues and candidates and on "THE VIEW" on August 3, 2007, he actually said that he didn't think that viewers knew where he stood politically because he's so centered on his show.Yeah, right.Anderson Cooper BELONGS on CNN because he is a liberal fanatic and a mess. He does not "report" news. His simple actions and reactions to news clearly shows viewers how he stands on issues and he gives the "evil eye" to conservatives and is very shut-down in front of them. It's very sad.If you want a news program that just reports the facts without giving their side of the issue and allows guests free reign to talk, turn to Fox News or watch Larry King. Larry King is gracious, unbiased and doesn't over talk his guests. He's great. Liberal, but great. But Anderson Cooper is very biased, shallow and reminds me of Bill Maher. Both are intelligent, attractive and great talkers, but they are both very liberal.
archyteckie08 Anderson Cooper 360 is a decent show but not a great one. When its at its best, its does an insightful and entertaining take on the news. Kind of like a "Behind the scenes" look at the news; showing why, how, and where it happened they way it did. At its worst, it painfully showcases Anderson Cooper seemingly amateur anchor skills. Don't get me wrong, Cooper is an excellent field reporter and a more than capable journalist. But put him in a studio and drape him in a nice suit, he loses his "it" factor.He's young and ambitious. So, I have little doubt that he will find his anchoring voice evidently. He's far more than just a pretty face. If anything, I see Anderson Cooper 360 as less of a show but more of a training ground for Cooper to fine tune himself to an excellent anchorman.Its far more entertaining to watch if you view it in this matter.It makes his occasional goofs, mistakes, and misses more endearing than annoying and when he gets it right, you could easily picture him as a future network news star. For that reason alone, he's show is worth watching occasionally but certainly not a must see every single day. Unless, you think Anderson is just that good-looking.
buddhadan-1 I'm not as much of a fan of CNN now that they have opted to go with a bunch of new people giving the news and even commentary as opposed to just news.I'm not sure that I blame Anderson Cooper in person for this negative effect on the CNN franchise, but he is one of those that I would rather not see unless he's just giving news.I think it's because I always saw CNN as a means to just news without commentary, without lots of color or modification. News in the raw as it happens.Lately they have brought on a group of people that do commentary, discussion, and fluff and regretfully this show by Anderson Cooper is one of them.Bring back the news as it is, raw and unscripted.