I have to agree with most of the bad comments that have been made on here. Boyd seems like a complete tool and Duane needs to go to some (actually, a lot!) of Anger Management and Normal management classes.I think my favourite moment was when Tomas told Duane straight up that "everyone needs to hear they are doing a good job once in a while".Boyd firing Bluebear was ridiculous as he allowed the situation to go that far in the first place. Don't get me wrong, the editing made the Bear look like a complete Job Knockey but it was never tackled properly.How he dealt with Charlie leaving in order to provide a better life for his family was an absolute joke - Boyd you are such a self-centred A-hole! Charlie tried to explain things to you but you were too busy bleating on about Chip this, Chip that. Shut up and actually LISTEN TO PEOPLE for a change.Stop overworking your staff. Then follow up one half-arsed project with another one on an even TIGHTER deadline and having the cheek to say that this one will make the staff happy. Yeah i'm sure losing every weekend that exists and working 18 hour days is gonna make them the happiest bunnies on the planet.I'd never EVER buy a car from you. Not because your team are not talented - they are! But i would firmly believe that you made them rush beyond their capabilities and my car would fall apart when i got it home.And after the rant, the worst thing is that I still watch the damn program... AARRGHHH!
I don't know if I will put in a spoiler or not but this show is absolutely the worst and now Boyd has figured out how to get rid of his number one nemesis, Diane, "the ex-wife" by selling off the wheel portion of the shop. He showed his disdain for her every time he could, and his preference of his new wife and never tried to cover it. He bitches about her every time he has a chance. So when she was all misty eyed when the wheel shop moved out what was his comment to her, "Have a good life." I guess I shouldn't expect anything better from this piece of work. He expects his workers to call him god and do every hair brained thing he comes up with. That is one hell of a load for a bunch of adult meant to put up with and work under and then they give up their weekends nearly every week. That's expected for people who own businesses but what employee expects to work 350 days a year? Yes it's more money but it's not their business so why should they give up their life to him? The only guy that made this show worth watching was Roy and he has passed away, too bad. It is absolutely the worst show ever. Not only does it not stack up with American Chopper it doesn't stand up to the cartoons. Boyd has lost so many employees I suspect the producers gave up on him. If so, Hooraayyy! I have since found out that Roy died on a Wednesday. Boyd, the owner, authorized payment to Roy's estate for Monday and Tuesday but not for the rest of the week. His comment, well he didn't work those days. He can't even give the estate the income from those three days Roy missed due to death. Just how "cheap" is Boyd? Not a guy with very many scruples in this watchers mind. Just recently saw Mike on Overhaulin. I have to wonder how many ex-Boydsters are going to be working with groups that have their own television program. hhhhmmmmmmmmm????????????
Michel Marion
Let me start off by mentioning to the producers that this show is so bad that I believe I'm the 8th person on this site to take the time to write about it since 2004...this isn't bad, it's frightening...why are you keeping this garbage on the air??????? I'm voting 1 out of 10 because I can't use a negative number to rate it. Look at all the negative comments (shouldn't be too long)and all of them have pretty much said everything that needs to be said about that show.However I do want to add 2 others. Dwayne...I am amazed that with the way you treat people, no one has ever tried to pop you one in the Chiclets. I would condemn that kind of reaction, but I would understand it...come on, would you take that kind of demeaning, insulting and very often pointless behaviour from your boss? You must be a smart know what I'm talking about don't you...and if you don't, I wouldn't advertise it. And Boyd.....Great reputation...Got a word for ya "Television", do you want to know what it is??? Because apparently you don't. Aside from the fact that the way you run your business and the kind of work environment you provide are not on the same standard as everyone else, you find a way to bring all that even lower when you open your mouth. Has mentioned in previous comments, you have no clue what so ever on the production time for anything that's being built in there. What is it? Getting information from your client, your shop manager and making a bridge between your clients needs and your employees capacity to provide a safe product with the quality that deserves you NAME within a reasonable time period and leaving a reasonable margin for errors to accommodate life's little problems without making everyone including you, suffer over it...would be way too smart. And then after giving of course a delivery date on a very unrealistic time frame to build the car, you turn around and give your crew your vision on team spirit to repair any damage that your own inadequacies has caused to damage that wonderful race to the dead line. How can you ask anyone who works for you with a straight face "Sure come on, stay and work all night and all week around the clock if you have to, lets face it, you probably don't have a life, and if you do have one I don't really care about it because in case you haven't noticed planning and assessment isn't really a priority in a project for me"...AND YOU OWN THE PLACE...AND YOUR FACE, NAME, REPUTATION and lets not forget QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT AND PROCEDURES are plastered every week on television for all the competition past, present and future to enjoy. After seeing that show, I wouldn't even buy a coffee from you...A good reputation is like anything doesn't last forever, and if you don't listen to what people are saying you'll go down the pipes. I don't like the show nor the way you run things but you don't look like a bad guy and you seem to think once in a while when you're not too busy with your head in the clouds thinking that your name and reputation stand for something and that nothing can tarnish it, well I got news for you Boyd. Turning your back to bad critics is expected but, to not learn from them is criminally stupid. I would imagine that to be that dumb would have to be crime...please don't be it...clean it up and you might have a chance, or don't and take one, we leave it to you.
This truly is a great show. Coddington is the J.R.Ewing of the southern California Hot Rod business and there is never a dull moment. Each custom hot rod build spans 3 or 4 shows each of which is interesting and filled with some unique people. I believe there may be some pressure from the Discovery channel to set deadlines on the car builds that makes for a more interesting show. In reality even if a car is "rushed" for the sake of the show it will be detailed later to be sure it meets or exceeds Boyd's high standards. The Coddington cars built on American Hotrod are even more valuable than a regular Coddington custom and are bringing excellent profits for the primary customer Scotty Gray when he auctioned a few at the Barret Jackson Auction in Feb 2005. Boyd is character himself with his current wife and ex-wife both working there at the shop there is always some tension in the air.