Ainsley's Caribbean Kitchen

Ainsley's Caribbean Kitchen

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Jamaica Part 1 Jan 20, 2019

Ainsley's first stop is Jamaica. He visits Coronation Market, where farmers from all over Jamaica head at the weekends to sell their produce - the best way to explore truly local ingredients. He gets a taste of the tropical weather and takes refuge in a Rastafarian Farm. Finally, he meets up with English chef Tim Kensett, and tours the home of Ian Fleming.

EP2 Jamaica Part 1 Jan 27, 2019

Carrying on his Caribbean adventure in Jamaica, Ainsley takes to the water of the Martha Brae river to learn about the area and the experience the beauty of the river and travels up into the Blue Mountains to find out about the UNESCO heritage site and it's world famous coffee. Ainsley attempts to get the secret recipe from one of the best jerk chicken joints in Jamaica, Scotchies – and then cooks his spatchcock jerk chicken. Finally, the host whips up a cooling mango and milk pineapple shake at Jamaica Inn, a hotel on the north coast of Jamaica which has played host to the likes of Winston Churchill, Marylin Monroe and Noel Coward.

EP3 Trinidad Feb 03, 2019

Ainsley is in Trinidad where he heads to the market for fantastic local ingredients to make a grilled tamarind tofu with callaloo pesto along with whipping up a coconut Caribbean chai.

EP4 Tobago Feb 10, 2019

Ainsley continues his culinary trip in Tobago, where cooks up curried crab with roti. Later, he checks out the catch of the day for making a mustard fish with a mango chili chow.

EP5 Grenada Feb 17, 2019

Ainsley is in Grenada, where he learns about the island’s biggest export nutmeg. He uses it to whip up a creamy nutmeg sauce which accompanies his pork and sweet potato mash dish.
7.8| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 20 January 2019 Returning Series
Producted By: Goldfinch Studios
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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TV Chef Ainsley Harriott takes a trip across the Caribbean visiting the islands that have inspired his cooking from an early age.

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Producted By

Goldfinch Studios

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