Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog


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6.3| 0h30m| TV-Y7| en| More Info
Released: 06 September 1993 Ended
Producted By: Reteitalia
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A comical, light-hearted and gag-driven adventure series based on the titular character, an arrogant and mischievous yet kind-hearted teenage hedgehog with the power to move at supersonic speeds. Sonic, with his idolizing young friend Tails, regularly oppose the wicked Dr. Ivo Robotnik, his robot henchmen Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts, and thwart their plans to conquer their home planet of Mobius.

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ofacestudioes Robotnik he is so cool Hedgehog he is a fool Robotnik he is so cool Hedgehog he is a fool Robotnik he is so cool Hedgehog he is a fool Robotnik he is so cool Hedgehog he is a fool
purplehpurple What if Sonic the Hegehog was a Looney Tunes character, but with far less than the Golden Age Looney Tunes budget, and worse jokes? Adventures of Sonic the Hegehog is a fun series, but it's not perfect. There are animation errors, but they aren't as abd as in some DIC cartoon adaptations. The biggest problem with this series is unfortunately its heroes. Jaleel White turns in a decent performance as Sonic, but his characterization is not great for this wacky comedy version of Sonic. Though he acts as a good friend to Tails and isn't a jerk by any means, when he's actually trying to be funny it's just not that successful. The problem here is that Sonic isn't the underdog in this series. He's too powerful, too successful, and a bit too full of himself when he's trying to deliver jokes. He's a hard hero to root for. Tails meanwhile sounds like his voice actor won a contest to be in a cartoon. As usual, Dr. Robotnik is the best part of the series. It doesn't matter whether it's a game, cartoon, or comic, Dr. Robotnik is consistently the most entertaining part. Total goof Robotnik, serious and threatening Robotnik, somewhere between, all are great. Somehow all of his English language voices have also managed to be great, and Long John Baldry is perfect for this interpretation of the character. This conceited, over the top taskmaster is hilarious, and his interactions with his goons are always entertaining.At the time when the showed aired the Sonic Says segments were insulting, but now they can be pretty funny. The series in general is known for some of its accidentally funny content, and has been immortalized on the internet through YouTube Poops.It's not the best Sonic series, but it's up there. If Sonic were written a bit differently it could have been even better, but as it stands it's a series where you're wanting to see more of the villain than the hero.
Samanfur It wasn't the most intelligent show in the world, but it didn't try to be, or make any pretence about being so. The music was synthesised, the backgrounds were cheap and stylised, and the character models and animation quality were classic Saturday morning fare.The plots weren't exactly taxing and the humour wasn't exactly subtle. In fact, both were downright lowest common denominator at times. My father wouldn't let me watch it if he was in the room, because he disliked the level of loud noises and the complete lack of substance.As a Tails fan, watching Tails be transformed into a portable rent-a-hostage - and a four year old to boot - was rather galling.But at least, in that department, the series got one thing right: he was a tech whizz. You didn't need to be able to read or write to cook up scientific or mechanical marvels at short notice, and he not infrequently did.Don't laugh, but I used to keep a tally, classing each episode according to whether Tails was presented overwhelmingly as the portable victim/gullible idiot, did something outstanding/helpful or didn't sway in either direction.All three lists were fairly expansive, but at least the list of positive episodes didn't consist of only three or four, or have episodes where Sonic's alleged sidekick and best friend was barely more than a background extra or only seen in the opening credits. Which is more than can be said for SatAM.All in all, I'd say that 'AoStH' was probably the series that got closest to the games as we knew them back then: the adventures were picaresque, with the occasional recurring characters but no completely overarching plot; the story lines weren't overly deep; Mobius *ducks hail of missiles from SegaSonic purists* even had the occasional human other than Robotnik, but you weren't beaten over the head with it.People try to knock it down, but it was never trying to be SatAM or 'SX'. It was there for cheap laughs, and it did what it did pretty well.
amit1984 This show kicked ass! It first came on when I was in the third grade. I would watch it before I went to school in the mornings. I really liked the characters, also the episodes were always good and never got old. I wish they could air again on tv or come out on DVD!