
6.7| 1h50m| en| More Info
Released: 04 December 2013 Released
Producted By: Canal+
Country: South Africa
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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As a child, Ali Neuman narrowly escaped being murdered by Inkhata, a militant political party at war with Nelson Mandela's African National Congress. Only he and his mother survived the carnage of those years. But as with many survivors, the psychological scars remain.

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tankace Zulu is a decent crime thriller with a lot of gore and a good script and very well acted performances from the crew in general ,especiallt from Forest Whitaker and Orlando Bloom, who finally made a come back after a long time out of the spotlight.So the story follows two cops in South Africa, one is Ali ,a Zulu dependence cop and the other is Brian ,of Africaans decedent and they are now against a murder of a girl, which seems to be caused by a new ,unknown up to now, drug with grim effects to the user. What I like with this plot is that is focused to the environment of South Africa ,which has just now heal from the mismanagement of the Apartheid and while this era has gone its effects are still felt even now. And the film portraits that quit well and with a respect-full way to our main characters who represent the failures of that system from both sides.But the film is far from perfect. It is rushed, the plot at times predictable and apart from Whitaker and Bloom all the other people feel a bit two-dimensional, with not enough depth to them. As for the drug itself well it was fine though in the end its use was quit the jumping the shark! However this doesn't justify the loss the film suffered ,which was honesty a big one.Over all isn't L.A. Confindecial, Dirty Harry or Lethal Weapon , but as far as crime thriller go was a good one ,nothing more.
Georges Drouet Excellent movie that mixes today's modern South Africa with the story of repression over black people through the apartheid and the way it has left scars in the collective memory.Orlando Bloom plays a excellent role that reminds his family's past and the loneliness of a kid involved in the struggle of liberty. Forest Whitaker plays all his talent as a cop carrying all the sadness of the apartheid, packed of emotion with the exact restraint that brings his character to perfection.This movie is one of the best I have seen in a while, photo, sound, details, all is perfectly balanced between action and emotion.Warmly recommended!
Seth_Rogue_One This is a bit peculiar for me, I thought overall the story is pretty good but it just lacks emotional punch for some reason.I'm not sure if it's the acting or what it is, Whitaker is pretty good I guess and although Bloom is not bad he's not that great either but I don't buy them as being friends in this.They also have another friend called Dan and he even more seems out of place and not like 'one of the guys' of which he is supposed to be.The characters I believe are supposed to be multi-layered but that doesn't really come across in the film, Whitaker's character is a slight exception. And some of the dialogue feels forced.Yeah I don't know what else to add in all honesty because it is sort of a mystery-crime-drama-thriller so it's hard to say anything without spoiling stuff so I'll just keep it short I guess.Based on a book and although I haven't read the book I think it's safe to assume that 'not as good as the book' rings true in this case.
kosmasp It's funny (sort of), that after watching this movie, I felt like this could've been a story arc in a really good TV show. You could "exploit" (make this bigger, a season filling thread) and it would still work. Having said that, the corruption theme, the theme of violence is not new. Forrest Whitacker and Orlando Bloom help elevate this movie quite a lot (the depiction of brutality also does, if you are not appalled by it of course).The story is easy to follow, with family problems thrown in for good measure. The back-story and the political themes are woven nicely into it all, without it getting too complex. A really good thriller, that unfortunately did not well at the Box Office.