WWE WrestleMania 22

2006 "Big Time!"
WWE WrestleMania 22
7.7| 4h0m| en| More Info
Released: 02 April 2006 Released
Producted By: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.wwe.com/shows/wrestlemania/22‎

WrestleMania 22 was the twenty-second annual WrestleMania PPV. It was presented by Snickers and took place on April 2, 2006 at the Allstate Arena in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, Illinois. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus Triple H for the WWE Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, and Randy Orton. Featured matches on the undercard included a No Holds Barred match between Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon, a Casket match between The Undertaker and Mark Henry, a WWE Women's Championship match between Mickie James and Trish Stratus and an interpromotional Money in the Bank ladder match featuring six participants. Tickets sold out in under two minutes, grossing US$2.5 million for the event, making it the highest grossing one-day event at the Allstate Arena. More than 17,155 people attended, with millions more watching in more than 90 countries.

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Owen Ogletree This was another solid WrestleMania. There is some quality stuff on here for sure, and quite an electric crowd.Tag Team Championship Match: The Big Show and Kane (c) vs. Carlito and Chris Masters - A decidedly average opener. Nothing too bad, but nothing notable, either. Show and Kane retain the titles after Kane Chokeslammed Carlito. RATING: **1/2Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Ric Flair - Not as good as the first MITB match, but still a lot of fun. There are plenty of crazy spots throughout, and all 6 men had some stand-out moments. Rob Van Dam wins the briefcase. RATING: ***3/4United States Championship Match: Chris Benoit vs. JBL - It was alright, but it was too slow for my liking. I've seen better from Benoit, but this isn't too bad by JBL's standards. JBL wins the Championship by grabbing the rope. RATING: **3/4Hardcore Match: Edge vs. Mick Foley - "Hardcore" indeed. This was one crazy, brutal match. These two simply tore each other apart. Edge showed that he belonged in this type of environment. Edge wins by unforgettably spearing Foley through the flaming table. RATING: **** Booker T vs. The Boogeyman - Garbage. Pure Garbage. All I can say. RATING: DUDCasket Match: The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry - This match wasn't bad, but it wasn't good, either. This was a typical big man match. Nobody really believed that Mark Henry could end the streak. The Undertaker remains undefeated. RATING: **1/4No Holds Barred Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon - Nothing special wrestling-wise, but great as pure entertainment. It's so much fun to see Mr. McMahon get what he deserves. Shawn Michaels finishes him off with a Superkick. RATING: ***1/2Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton - This was a great triple threat match. The action was fast from bell to bell and Rey's title win was memorable. The problem is that it is too short. Rey Mysterio wins the title with a Hurricanerana. RATING: ***3/4WWE Championship Match: John Cena (c) vs. Triple H - A great main event with an epic feel to it. It may be remembered for the crowd booing the heck out of Cena, but these two managed to put on an exciting wrestling contest. John Cena retains with the STF. RATING: ****Boogeyman vs. Booker aside, this was a fun show from top to bottom, and well worth checking out.RATING: B
beasly_c The results of WrestleMania 22 both shocked and pleased everyone who watched it! The matches - Tag Team Championship Match - Big Show and Kane vs. Carlito and Chris Masters... This match was a great match. During the match, Kane got booed for and the Carlito fans definitely showed their support through their cheers but in the end after an exciting match, the winners became apparent as Carlito fell to the Chokeslam winning Big Show and Kane the match.Money in the Bank Match - RVD vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay vs. Ric Flair vs. Shelton Benjamin... This was an extremely heated match and there was much excitement! In this match we saw Ric Flair be taken off in a stretcher with a leg injury from a ladder, but being the true player he is, he came back out again ready to fight for the contract! Unfortunately for him, in the final moments of the match, Matt Hardy and Benjamin were both on the same ladder trying to get the briefcase when Van Dam came along, planted another ladder next to theirs, pushed them both over (including the ladder) and grabbed the case! An excellent win for RVD!United States Champoinship - Chris Benoit vs. JBL... The former champion, Chris Benoit fought hard in this match, throwing German Suplexes, The Three Amigos and a diving headbutt into the mix at various times. And when he locked the Crippler Crossface in victory seemed only a tap away, but JBL fought back and using the ropes without the ref seeing, he won through false pinfall.Hardcore Match - Mick Foley (Cactus Jack vs. Edge)... This match was an amazing match! Thimb tacks, steel chairs and even burning tables were all present in the hell raising match. Sfter awakening the Cactus Jack hiding in Mick Foley, Edge was scared but through all the hell and barbed wire, Edge came out the victor.Handicap Match - Booker T and Sharmell vs. The Boogeyman... This match was a complete no brainer! After faking an injury previously, Booker T was trying so hard to not be defeated. Unfortunately fear took over him and his wife, as The Boogeyman open mouth kissed Sharmell (worms and all). So obviously The Boogeyman won! Not much wrestling, just comedy I suppose!Womens Championship - Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James... Now this was a match in which we all thought Trish would return to the locker room Womens Champion, but were we wrong?! Mickie spent the whole match releasing all this anger she now has toward her former idol Trish Stratus. After a main match, Mickie performed the Mick Kick which put Trish out. This gave her enough time to pin her and break her 15 month reign over the belt!Casket Match - Undertaker vs. Mark Henry... This was a very exciting match! After both men had been in the casket, and a close shave for Henry, Undertaker managed to roll the huge Mark Henry into the casket and shut the lid, securing him a victory and carrying on his no loss streak in WrestleMania!No Holds Barred - HBK Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. McMahon... This was a greatly anticipated match! HBK had God on his side during this match. After completely beating Vince to a pulp, chaining his son Shane to the ropes and giving the fans a DX suck it taunt, he exited the ring the winner of the match! But not before Mr. McMahon was carried off in a stretcher!Smackdown! Main Event - Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship - Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton... Nobody thought Rey could pull this one off! After all, it was originally meant to be Reys title match anyway, and then it got taken off him by cheating Randy Orton, he deserved to win! I don't think Orton knew what hit him and neither did Kurt!Playboy Pillow Fight - Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle... This was a long time coming! It was perfect revenge and the perfect setting for Torrie to get Candice after all she's done to her! She got the win with a rollup and won the match!WWE Championship - John Cena vs. HHH... This was one of the most exciting matches of the whole night! Now many people say Cena is turning heel, but I don't think so! I think that hes 10x the man HHH is, but everyone has their own opinion of The Champ. There was mainly booing for Cena and cheering for HHH that night, but that didn't stop Cena from trying his very hardest, as usual!! HHH soon submitted to the deadly STFU from Cena, and Cena walked away triumphant until his next challenger dared to stand up...
dave78 the most important thing in wrestling is a crowd crowds use to follow the action and cheer when they should since hogan vs the rock there have been changes the crowd now know they can make the night and chigago did cheering for who they liked when they liked and it will change wrestling carlito was cheered in the 1st match and it started a trend which continued right to the main events apart from boogeyman match and the playboy pillow fight the action was awesome as was the crowd. I was worried at first because the big names where not involved but everyone raised there games including the best womans storeyline ever because of James charasima and a couple of cheeky dx references excellent event
jakeb-7 I myself, from Chicago was at Wrestlemania 22.I thought the Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight title was good. The Cena vs. Triple H match was good also. I also like the Money in the Bank match especially knowing that RVD won. The Mickie James vs. Trish match wasn't to bad, neither was the Vince vs. Shawn Michaels match. The Edge vs. Mick Foley match was good.Some of the disappointing or bad matches was the Boogyman vs. Booker T match. The match was boring. The casket match between Undertaker and Mark Henry wasn't really that good. I did expect it to be good but it wasn't. The World tag- team match was OK, but could have been better. The Torrie Wilson and Candice Michelle match was hot, but was boring as hell.