Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure

Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure
7.1| 1h42m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 09 December 1981 Released
Producted By: El Pico S.A.
Country: Italy
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Alan gets a map to some war treasure which the Japanese army left behind on a small Pacific island at the end of World War II. But some gangsters try to steal the map from him and so he hides on Charlie's boat which just leaves the harbor. He manipulates the ship's compass so that Charlie is not aware that he is sailing to the treasure island. But when they step on the island, they discover that it is not as abandoned as they believed: there are some natives - and a Japanese soldier still defending the treasure

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El Pico S.A.

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richardjp-17225 This is one of Spencer and Hill's movies that perhaps hasn't aged quite as well and is probably more appealing to kids. It also resorts to racist stereotypes with the islanders and the Japanese soldier, who still thinks World War II is going, but it's still a classic as far as I'm concerned. Great fight scenes and plenty of laughs, as well as comical villains who as usual never get the better of Bud and Terence.
rhustox Choco, my friend from Hungary, you convinced me to watch this film. I must say I cannot agree with your review. I was hoping for much better than this poorly written, acted, and directed time-waster.Yes, there are a few good moments here and there, but for me, it was not worth the effort.You indicate that it would be good to watch while drinking a beer. I disagree; I think this film needs a six-pack, maybe a case, before you even insert the DVD.But I'm glad you enjoyed it, Choco, and maybe others will agree with you instead of me.(Now tell me, my friend, when are you Hungarians going to produce some English subtitles for "Jurachick Park"?)
robertofuiano beautiful film. As to the usual one, the usual negative comments which talk about a classical film some years 80 which everyone does not like it to the nostalgic ones are met.Sure Heros that this film had to have a judgment in this site. In fact reviewers' good part has put a high vote to the previous episodes. Because this contrast? I know the reason. Since assumptive reviewers' good part favorably sees the past and as the past is "better" than the present they have given several credit to the preceding episodes being still the last episode more explosive and spectacular. At this point should reject also the old episodes but there are here two weights and two measure.In fact also cinema masterpieces have been criticized and denigrated. Good part some reviewers of this site belong to the very bad reviewers. Better think separately with its head. arise the vote. ([email protected]) Shame
chocho-10 As a Bud Spencer/Terence Hill fan, I always loved to watch these two guys giving a punch for all the bad guys (whose were almost all the same in each movie :)), but this film was the best of their works. All the jokes, the funny characters and scenes (especially the closing sentence) are classic! The acting is not so strong but in these films it's not really important at all. Spencer and Hill bring their own style, playing each other and tricking, gaging all the time. My only complain is the poor English dub. The Hungarian version is much more witty. Too bad for that.But don't worry, it's not a big loss. If You like to laugh, but don't care about realism and just want to chill out with a can of beer, this is the movie you must see!Chocho