White Tuft, the Little Beaver

White Tuft, the Little Beaver
7| 1h17m| en| More Info
Released: 30 April 2008 Released
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Country: France
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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White Tuft is a small beaver who lives in the north of Canada; It is a dangerous place so in his adventure he would have to recognice his friends and his enemies.

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kitchee We watched this last night and would recommend it to anyone! The cinematography is beautiful and the live action storyline should keep kids engaged throughout.The synopsis is a bit off though. The story tells of Mother Beaver raising her two kits (White Tuft and Little Sister) alone, as Father Beaver ventured too far into the forest one day and was eaten by wolves. Mother Beaver has to work extra hard to maintain the dam and look after her kits.White Tuft has many friends at the dam, including Baby Bear and Baby Lynx. One day, Mother Bear crosses the top of the dam to retrieve Baby Bear from the other side of the river. She's too heavy and causes a breach which Mother Beaver rushes to repair. White Tuft follows her and gets swept through the breach and downriver clinging to a branch. He washes up on shore far from home and family and spends his first night alone huddled in a hollow tree trunk. He meets Old Grumpy Beaver, moves into his lodge and helps foil an attack by the same wolves who killed his father. After they are forced from their home, they make their way upriver to find White Tuft's mother and sister. They do find her but have to defend against an attack by Otter, who wants Little Sister as an appetizer! In the end, the dam is safe and the addition of Old Beaver means the family unit is whole again.As I stated earlier, the filming done for this movie is beautiful (filmed in Quebec) and all the animals shown are native to Canada. A great family movie that your kids will love.
Len9876 A beaver couple live by their dam, as the seasons go by. They have babies, gather food, and maintain their dam, play and swim--and, of course, defend their territory against predators and intruders. After one of their young gets lost in the forest, the mother and father beaver search frantically for him, while he is rescued by an unlikely ally. The film features real animals--and uses new techniques to provide stunning and original never-before-seen images.The film tells a touching and suspenseful, wildlife fiction story that will captivate the entire family. It is a film for all nature-loving adults and children.Everyone should enjoy the beautiful photography, as well as the solid storyline. It is a French/Canadian film, being distributed in the U.S.The film is aptly directed by Philippe Calderon, and splendid writing is provided by Marthe Pelletier and Hassina Belkacem. An Alliance Viva film, it stars Benoit Briere. It is a very delightful film, with a running time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Highly recommended, I rank the film a 9 out of 10.