Wendigo: Bound by Blood

2010 "These Woods Hold An Evil Secret ..."
3| 1h25m| en| More Info
Released: 24 September 2010 Released
Producted By: Brain Damage Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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For hundreds of years, Native American culture has believed in the evil cannibalistic spirit known as "the wendigo". For those who had taken part in cannibalism, no matter the reason, it was aid "the wendigo" would take possession of the person's body and soul. Once the wendigo would take possession of the human host,the host would develop and insatiable desire to eat human flesh. In the deep woods of Northern Pennsylvania, a small town Sheriff (Brian Anthony) is investigating a bloody crime scene. On the scene, he meets Angeni Stonechild (Cheyenne King), a traveling physician treating patients in the area. During the investigation, the two stumble upon dead bodies, a slew of relentless hit men, and two mysterious individuals being protected by federal agents. With a trail of mutilated bodies piling up, the sheriff and Angeni must not only confront the dangerous assassins but also find a way to destroy.....The Wendigo!

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Brain Damage Films


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Leofwine_draca WENDIGO: BOUND BY BLOOD is a shot-on-video horror effort with thriller elements that aren't very well staged. The story is ostensibly about the titular beast with a taste for human flesh but in reality this is just the usual indie nonsense with a bunch of non-actors wandering around and achieving very little. There is some blood but not much and the snowbound locations make a nice change, but other than the sex and nudity this offers very little.
UK_Zombie A really unusual offering from Killerwolf in that it was set in winter. Really creepy throughout with good advantage taken of the eeriness of the snow bound landscapes. There were several interweaving plots which made it complicated, but the director succeeded in bringing them together to keep us on the edge of our seats. Not too many special effects, and what there was was well done. No issues with production values which were sound throughout. I am sure that these flicks would be better on film, so it is a tribute to the skills of the cast and technical crew that they managed to entertain me enough that I wasn't distracted by the empty echo quality of video. Good acting throughout and all contributed solid performances. Carry on the good work.
tcoll32 We have before us the latest film from Len Kabasinski and Killer Wolf Films called Wendigo: Bound by Blood. First off a very necessary disclaimer. This Wendigo is not the Marvel comics white furred version of the Hulk famous for fighting the X'Men's Wolverine but instead is base solely on the native American legend of a malicious spirit capable of possessing bad people doing bad things making them do worse things. The film star Brian Anthony in his 3rd KWF film as a local sheriff having to investigate strange occurrence happening in his sleepy little PA town. Cheyenne King is the local doctor who is also drawn in by the Wendigo targeting some of her patients. On the side is a couple in witness protection being guarded by 2 US Marshalls and being chased by a a very highly skilled team of assassins to prevent them from testifying against a big crime boss. All of these myriad stories are about to collide with one another with a winner take all finale. Who will survive and who will fall prey to the ravening Wendigo? You'll have to see. This is a departure for KWF in that instead of being non-stop action there is actually a very suspenseful story driving the film. For fans of Len and KWF this is definitely worthy film in the library.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) Starring: Brian Anthony. OKAY,It's cold when they made this flick and that's nice given this spring heat wave we are having. It's got some Zombie aka Wendigo jump to the gore violence and Then some really cool hit-man/spy/opposing governments approach to a lot of hand-to-hand and gun play. Very likable cast,Who had us believing especially B. A. and Cheyenne King.Maybe a little confusing with plot devices,But enjoyable for sets,acting and those effects of violence.Guns ****. Gore *****. Girls *****. So,See something for everyone. Comes out tomorrow,Enjoy.