Great movie! The characters are funny, like a comedy should be at its best. The best German actors, straight-to-the-point dialogues, beautiful pictures. Hei, a German comedy at this international cinema level, you do not find that often! I've put Hartmann's heart in my heart, with all their spleens and weaknesses, who still hold together when it matters. What else do you want? That the comedy uses a serious refugee fate as a background for the family development, is wonderful. This is the way life is, everyone lives as best he can, and, at best, tries to help others. Simon Verhoeven wrote the script BEFORE the great wave of refugees came to Germany. He has taken a current situation as a hanger for typical family entertainment. And this has turned into a wonderful film that has thrilled over 3 million viewers.
All over the (western) world, there is one big issue that all have in common. It's a tragedy and it's tough for most people to wrap their head around some of the facts. We don't know what people really go through. Now some will take advantage of the system. But it's wrong to paint them all the same way.This movie takes certain clichés and makes fun of them. Most of the jokes are not laugh out loud funny though. It tries to be sophisticated about certain things and it does succeed most of the time. It's really a testament to script writing and to the fact that there is good writing in Germany, which leads to good movies. Some things are predictable of course, but it's still suspenseful until the end - and funny of course
Obviously any movie dealing with the Refugee Crisis is measured against a serious backdrop of political and human implications The Movie deals with this nicely and is one of the clearly better German comedies as they come. Set in Munich against the backdrop of a well being Upperclass family with some cracks in their world and the entry of a different side to their world with Refugees, gone wild old hippies, German alt rights and more when the Lady of the house for a mix of reasons decides to invite an refugee to their house. This sets in motion quite a nice series of events bringing the family back into shape and resolving issues. All roles well cast with top notch German Leads and excellent side parts, mainly Uwe Ochsenknecht (35 years removed from the Boat) as a beauty surgeon and Ulrike Kriener as a progressive teacher gone wild. Enjoy it for what it is and take away to think on your terms about what the refugee crisis means. My Wife ? Spot her in the Meeting Room in Shanghai (actually Munich BMW World) as a Chinese M&A Lawyer.
There are several reasons to recommend this comedy. First of all, it is a very entertaining take on topics that are being discussed not only in Germany, but all over Europe: how will the influx of refugees from Africa and the Middle East change our society? In this movie, a rich Munich family wants to do more than wave "Refugees welcome"-placards, so they offer a home to one of the refugees. As a plot, this could be rather embarrassing due to political correctness (or lack thereof), but writer and director Simon Verhoeven manages to include all the different views on immigrants without losing track of the comedy for one moment. He has created a set of characters that are likable and well-rounded, and the development of the story, while predictable in the general outline (of course a comedy needs a happy ending), is surprising at every turn and full of funny dialogue which had people laughing out loud in the cinema. Another reason to watch this comedy is the cast. The older generation is being represented by the always wonderful Senta Berger, as well as Heiner Lauterbach, Uwe Ochsenknecht and Ulrike Kriener (yes, those last three together had us laughing in Doris Dörrie's "Männer" in the 1980s), the younger generation containing heartthrobs Florian David Fitz and Elyas M'Barek and a very lovable Palina Rojinski. Refugee Diallo is played by Eric Kabongo, who will hopefully get to play more leading roles in the future! And, thirdly, I very much liked the artful camera work and the well-chosen sets, which made the movie a joy to watch.