Wedding Night

Wedding Night
6.2| 1h32m| en| More Info
Released: 01 June 2001 Released
Producted By: Cinémaginaire
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Florence and Nicolas live happily together. Until the sister of Nicolas them points to a contest you get to win the first prize, a wedding with all expenses paid in Niagara Falls. Without thinking twice, decide to marry. Following on from then occur a series of inexplicable events that will make their relationship is complicated by the discovery of the extravagances of his family

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christ-7 Charming and funny from start to finish. Genevieve Brouillette is adorable and Pierrette Robitaille steals the show. The scene at the Falls when they poke holes in the plastic so the mother can breathe is one of the best. Francois Morency's character is so pathetic sometimes, he doesn't deserve Florence, but that's part of the charm of the film. Highly recommended.
fargo26 I liked some parts of the films but strangely they never did seem to come together in the appropriate way. Some parts made me laugh out loud but other times I was sitting there with a serious look on my face, maybe even an embarassed look ... I guess the script could/should have been a lot better, the story is just not that funny in general as I don't think people breaking up and getting back together 3-4-5 times during the same movie is amusing, rather depressing instead ! The actors were good in general though, especially Pierrette Robitaille. 2.5/5
pavillon10 I think that Nuit de Noces is probably the best French Canadian comedy to date. François Morency, in his first screen presence, is very good. This film has some of the greatest French Canadian comedians of 2001: Pierrette Robitaille ( fantastic ), Jacques Girard ( versatile ) René-Richard Cyr ( very funny ) and the couple Diane Lavallée and Yves Jacques are incredible, and so is the rest of the cast. The script is hilarious and sometimes food for thoughts in our way of accepting people's differences.
Jep_Gambardella Nicolas and Florence go to Niagara Falls in an all-expenses-paid trip with family and friends to get married. All sorts of trouble, family fights and pre-nuptial jitters ensue. Hardly original but very funny, for the most part well written, acted and directed. Clever use of meta-language.