Weapons of Mass Distraction

1997 "In business, size matters"
6| 1h40m| R| en| More Info
Released: 17 May 1997 Released
Producted By: HBO
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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As two warring media moguls grapple for ownership of a coveted professional football team, they use the newspapers, magazines and television stations they own to destroy each other's reputations.

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victorpaskow just because i had my caps lock on doesn't mean i'm shouting! this movie is great. it's one of a kind. i first saw it when i was a young teenager. the film has stuck with me since. it's dark, funny and i enjoyed the all star cast. check this one out if you think your life isn't going the way you want it to.its also not a well known picture, so if you can get your hands on it, i would advise you to do so. these other people don't know what they are talking about. i also think that a ten line minimum is too much. you start talking about nothing just to get your 3 line comment in. any ways keep up the good work you IMDb. you are doing a great job.
jd110 What Robert Altman did for Vietnam with M*A*S*H, Stephen Surjik (director)and Larry Gelbart (writer) do to modern media corporations with Weapons of Mass Distraction.If anyone wants to know how the mega rich owners of big corporations are "screwing the little guy" and getting away with it, then you HAVE to watch this movie. The film uses biting satirical comic writing to deliver its message about how money and media power dominates the political process to the detriment of all but a very few people at the top. Imagine the screenplay being written by Voltaire or Jonathan Swift. Gabriel Byrne and Ben Kingsley's performances as the two greedy media moguls who will do anything, no matter how sleazy or illegal, to get their way, are brilliant. Jeffrey Tambor is fantastic as Byrne's personal assistant whose morals are as ambiguous as his sexuality.A wonderful film, a savage attack on what happens when too much power is vested in the hands of too few. Watch it and wince.
Dano-33 I rented this film because Ben Kinsley is was of my favorite actors of the present time. I thought the acting was funny and smart, the dialogue delicious, and the humour extremely dark. It's not the best film or television movie ever made, but it was entertaining and kept my interest. I wouldn't recommend this film to everyone, but it was one of the brightest and most refreashing films I've seen from HBO.
Stu-5 Weapons of Mass Distraction proves to be an inconsequential mess of loose plot points and unanswered questions. In what was initially supposed to be a satire, it only gets lost in it's web of lurid, superfluous, irrelevant occurrences.Two billionares rival over ownership of a famous American football team. That's what we understand from the blurb. Unfortunately, the references to that are just so vague that it is somewhat of a sub-plot. There really is no plot. It goes nowhere!On one end of the spectrum we have Robert Altman's fine satire "The Player", focusing on big business and movies. On the other end of the spectrum we have this.Combine this: helicopter accident, closet gay businessman, jewish holocaust surviver, appendage enlargement, trans-gender wife and adulterous cable repairman newly fired. That's precisely what the film is!It's awful. One out of ten.