Viper's Nest

Viper's Nest
6.2| 1h45m| en| More Info
Released: 10 March 2011 Released
Producted By: Independent Films
Country: Netherlands
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Gooische Vrouwen (Vipers Nest) is based on a very popular Dutch TV series and can be described as a Dutch variation of Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives. The film tells the story of four girlfriends who live in the bourgeois area ‘t Gooi, where life always seems to run smoothly, but dark clouds are gathering on the horizon. A flight seems the only way out…

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Independent Films

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Monique Dekker In every woman you will find something of these gorgeous Dutch "Gooische" ladies which are presented by great actresses. I laughed my hart out and was sometimes a bit ashamed, Please tell me this isn't me? Hahaha. Sometimes the sitcom touches serious problems. Sometimes it"s just all over the top. If you would like to know something about the ordinary Dutch culture nowadays this sitcom will give you a little inside in the Dutch ladies brain. The environment is the posh part of the Netherlands where a bit more famous people live, but also the air-pilots and cosmetic surgeons. Every Dutch person will recognize the area and the type of people. It was a big hit when it was on television. Just a lovely relaxed Dutch sitcom for great rainy Sundays.