Valley Uprising

Valley Uprising
8.1| 1h39m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 01 September 2014 Released
Producted By: Sender Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In the shady campgrounds of Yosemite valley, climbers carved out a counterculture lifestyle of dumpster-diving and wild parties that clashed with the conservative values of the National Park Service. And up on the walls, generation after generation has pushed the limits of climbing, vying amongst each other for supremacy on Yosemite's cliffs. "Valley Uprising" is the riveting, unforgettable tale of this bold rock climbing tradition in Yosemite National Park: half a century of struggle against the laws of gravity -- and the laws of the land.

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movingmountaingraphics Super extensive documentary on the evolution of the Yosemite climbing community. Great film. My only criticism was that they skipped from the end of the Stone Masters era to the emergence of the Stone Monkeys in the late 90's and 2000's. I started climbing in 1991 and there was quite a bit being done to elevate hard standards in the late 80's and early 90's by the likes of Croft, Osman, Suzuki, Skinner, Piana and more but they moved past this era in the film. It was maybe not a particularly "dramatic" era in climbing history but that was where the sport really became "mainstream", if you can call it that, which is definitely historically significant.
Snorreplop Valley uprising tells the story of multiple generations of climbers in the Yosemite National Park. From the first hippies/pioneers to the modern day climbers. For a person like me; who has no in depth knowledge of climbing, techniques or jargon, the documentary gives a good and amusing insight in the psyche of the climber and the evolution of climbing as an outdoor sport in the past decades. It is amazing to see what progress has been made in terms of raw (climbing) speed and the mind boggling free climbing practitioners.The colorful characters and stories, especially from the early days are very entertaining. Original video footage is mixed with breathtaking shots of classic Yosemite walls. Worth mentioning is the CGI technique that is used to give a more or less three dimensional feel to archive pictures and historical footage stills
i hate amazon data mining if you have attention deficit disorder, or you were raised with the ability to watch preview like or commercial like edits every 2 seconds, and non still camera shots with zoom in / out effects, the content is OK, otherwise, just watch TV , as it is of poor quality with any plot line at all IMHO. apparently i must fill up 10 lines of text. I'm not sure why that is. I said what i needed to say. this is not worth watching. IMHO.if you have attention deficit disorder, or you were raised with the ability to watch preview like or commercial like edits every 2 seconds, and non still camera shots with zoom in / out effects, the content is OK, otherwise, just watch TV , as it is of poor quality with any plot line at all IMHO
Giorgio Riccardi This movie is not only very detailed and technically post-produced in an amazing way, it is actually SUPER FUN. Actors aka climbers are so honest and spontaneous that you can't stop staring at them and laughing out loud.The story of the touristic evolution of the Yosemite national park is quite astonishing and sad for certain aspects. It is a film about people, real human beings that will make you dream.While watching this outstanding documentary you will feel the need to run pack your climbing gears and go training to get ready for the next adventure on those big walls... Dreaming is guaranteed.Oh, by the way, adrenaline must run high during the movie; if you suffer of heart conditions, watch it with caution!