Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer

Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer
7.4| 1h35m| en| More Info
Released: 11 February 1984 Released
Producted By: TOHO
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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As the perpetually lecherous Ataru and his friends prepare for a carnival at Tomobiki High School, they gradually realize the days are literally repeating themselves. Any effort to break the pattern dumps them back where they started.

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Kassdhal The TV series was relatively funny and watchable but did not let any great memory. This movie however is playing the dream and let you a long and delightful taste. Simply put, with 15 years in retrospect it appears to me being one of the best anime movie I have seen. The atmosphere of the film is light and joyful, using the characters we all knew from the series, but it adds a layer of complexity and philosophy (movie level...), of deep down narration based on old legends allied with humour that makes it a thoroughly enjoyable experience. This is one of Mamoru Oshii's finest production in a career that counts among the richest and more creative. Definitely to be recommended.
zomber-1 Once in your life time you can watch a movie that goes directly into yourheart. Beautiful Dreamer was this movie to me! Every time I watch it I crybecause of that wonderful love story. That doesn't mean that I cry watching every love story! Titanic for example: I didn't cry. Maybe a bit after noticing that still some hours of that s*** were to survive:-C But back to UY.Rumiko Takahashi is a very gifted story teller and I love everything she creates. UY is hard for new watchers to understand, but if you just keep on laughing you will love it!!! Like Monty Python I also like to laugh about:-DWatch it and love it*G*
JG2001 Urusei Yatsura 2, the second in a line of six films that follow the television series of the same name, takes a bit more serious, philosophical approach to the plot than the average television episode.For those who haven't seen the television show, it's a comedy about Ataru, at his high school. When aliens come down to Earth, threatening destruction, the only way to stop them is if Ataru can defeat the alien princess, Lum, in a game of tag. Due to a mix up, after Ataru wins, Lum believes she is also destined to be his wife.Anyway, with that back story out of the way, the rest of the movie can be easily understood by anyone not familiar with the series. The plot is very funny and thoughtful at the same time. It may take a couple of viewings to get the whole picture and all of its little nuances, but all in all, it's a wonderful little film and I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys a dose of philosophy with their slapstick.
Skyrcket For the record, I saw the dubbed version of this movie. The American voices are pretty good, but I still like the Japanese ones better. Ataru and Lum's voices are in the spirit of their JP counterparts, but Lum just sounds a bit off. The NA voice, while still very good, just doesn't have that super sweet, cuteness her JP voice has. Atuaru's voice suits him, but doesn't quite give off that air of lechery his JP voice does. The other voice are all well done, with Sakura, Perm, Ten and Mendou being especially good. Mendou's VA really captures his arrogance.As for the story, the only thing I can really compare it to is "Dark City." I know UY and Dark City are about as far apart as you can get, but both movies really convey the whole "What is a dream? What is real?" idea. While I was disappointed that this movie didn't have the wild physical antics we see on the show, I found myself enjoying the intelligent and philosophical script.Overall, this film has a few flaws but I enjoyed it a lot. "Beautiful Dreamer" should be in the library of any anime fan.