In homage to classic 1980s action cinema, Underground follows the story of twelve individual fighters brought together to compete in an illegal underground tournament for the grand prize of £500,000. Throughout the gruelling competition each fighter will be pushed to their physical and psychological limits as they make and break alliances, fuelled by the goal of eliminating the competition.Broken from the same mould as martial arts classics like Kickboxer and Blood Fist, Underground is a relentless, adrenaline-fuelled fight fest that takes no prisoners. Following the simple story of twelve underground fighters competing for a cash prize, the unique characters and their individual stories are told through strong characterization and flashback, thrown against some of the most brutal action sequences witnessed in a long time.Also featuring a strong cast of up and coming British action stars like Mark Strange (Displaced, Batman Begins), Joey Ansah (The Bourne Ultimatum) and Nathan Lewis (Fight School, Kick Ass), the talented team is shown in an incredible light under the heavily visual style of director, Chee Keong Cheung. For fans of martial arts and action cinema, generally, Underground is a ground breaking addition to a hugely successful genre. A must-see for true martial arts fans!
Do not make the same mistake that I did by listening to these do-do heads! I wasn't planning on watching this movie but thanks to these guys who gave this movie such a great review, I basically wasted an hour and a half of my life... first of all, the movie is supposed to be a realistic view of illegal underground fighting but if you've seen any UFC fightings you would know that when your opponent is down on the ground you do not wait for him to get up, right? so why does all the fighters in this movie actually stands around till their opponent gets back on their feet after getting knocked down, doesn't make sense! 2nd... you can't get emotional attachment to any character, which turns the movie into a choreograph fighting w/ no story.. 3rd, why do all the characters talk like they're about to shoot a porn scene and the voice over makes it sounds like lord of the rings, it doenst work at all... 4th, bad acting... some girls will just burst into tears for no reason at all and the guy playing the leader of the underground fighting acts like he's the devil and i'm not talking about a bad person, i mean the real Devil! ... and last but not the least, cliché from start to end! ... I won't recommend this movie even to my worst enemies and do not believe the hype, the fighting is not even that good, maybe not even average!
To everyone else who's posted about this film, imagine it was named street fighter and released in the 90's. If they'd used this formula with the film street fighter in the 90's instead of the whole UN army vs terrorists thing it would have suited it down to the ground.If you like martial arts go watch it, if you feel you need x amounts of twists and turns in a movie to enjoy it then don't.The plots simple, explain the structure of the tournament. 5 minutes on each fighter's background and motivation. 2 minutes deciding who's up for the next fight, then on with the fight.
this movie sucked. the plot really had no story to it. were we suppose to cheer for someone? were we suppose to actually suppose to think that all the fighters who lost would still care about the other fighters? this is the second worst movie i ever seen! (first being House of the Dead) horrible...why, why, why?! the "knock out shots" look like they took it from Def Jam fight for NY. i would understand if the knock out shot was the end of the scene, but no they continue to fight. stupid! bad acting, bad camera shots, very bad directing! if you happen to watch this movie by accident, take look at the fighters and ask yourself why some of them are in scenes. they make no reason for it. did all the fighters get cool with each other, they only show two of them become friends. and what's up with the model, he gets really upset after his first fight, but before the fight they give a reason for him not to care. that's just bad writing.