Ugly Aur Pagli

Ugly Aur Pagli
3.8| 1h57m| en| More Info
Released: 01 August 2008 Released
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Country: India
Budget: 0
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It is a story of Kabir, a carefree guy who has been studying engineering for the last ten years now, whose life goes for a sixer when he meets the quirky and kinky Kuhu. Kabir always wanted a girl to love but he never in his wildest dreams thought he would encounter a girl who could make him dance around circles, run around naked, ride cycles without seats, wear high heels, and many other things

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sumanbarthakursmailbox Ugly Aur Pagli is a pretty straightforward lift of the South Korean film My Sassy Girl, which was produced and released eastside seven years ago. I must confess here, I haven't actually seen the original film and chances are you wouldn't have either. You're probably wondering then, how I'm so sure Ugly Aur Pagli is copied from that film. Well, here's what to do. Get on to the Internet, log on to the search engine, and punch in the title My Sassy Girl. Just read the detailed plot breakdown of the Korean film that comes up and you'll understand exactly why I'm so shocked someone was shameless enough to take story and screenplay credit for this desi remake. Ugly Aur Pagli stars Ranvir Shorey as Kabir, a loveless engineering student whose life changes when he rescues an intoxicated girl at a railway station one night. That seemingly helpless girl Kuhu (played by Mallika Sherawat) turns out to be dominating, opinionated and even sadistic to a point. Over the next few weeks, she more or less takes over Kabir's life, slapping him around at will, ordering him out on dates, deciding what he can and can't order when he's with her, and demanding that he do all sorts of odd things to please her. Convinced she's got a pain inside that's manifesting itself in all these strange ways, Kabir decides to go along with Kuhu's mad demands in the hope of pleasing her and curing her of her pain. But it can't be easy for a guy, can it? Wearing her stilettos and walking down Marine Drive; riding around in a petticoat on a bicycle without a seat; and visiting film producers' offices with her ridiculous screenplays. Ugly Aur Pagli is not your typical romantic comedy in the sense that there's a simmering sadness to the film that is both rare and unique. It's difficult to understand and empathise with Kuhu's sadistic streak because the filmmaker fails to explore her personality well enough to explain this side. Doesn't help of course that Mallika Sherawat isn't the least bit convincing when she's doing drama. Watch her in those emotional scenes and you cringe, because the fakeness in her performance is hard to shake off. She's fantastic at comedy though, and keeps you hooked through the film's lighter moments, aided of course by the tremendously gifted Ranvir Shorey who is unquestionably the star of this film. It takes an extremely intelligent actor to play dumb so well, and Ranvir does it almost effortlessly. In the end, Ugly Aur Pagli doesn't quite work because it's corny and contrived and it tries too hard. For a romantic comedy to work, you have to like the couple enough to want them to end up together, but honestly there's little to like about either Kabir or Kuhu. He's a doormat and she's an overbearing kid. Apart from a few decent jokes, it's unlikely you're going to enjoy this film much. My advice: head to the nearest bar, down a few shots of tequila like Kuhu does in the film, and then go watch this film. Perhaps you'll enjoy it while you're talli (intoxicated) yourself.
kooleshwar At the cost of being called stupid let me confess, I had Hopes!!!.Not very high hopes but I expected a movie along the lines of Pyaar Ke Side Effects, I even went prepared with the right company (girls), in fact i even hoped a bit more considering that Ranvir should be able to pull of the hen pecked boyfriend better than Rahul.But alas it was not to be.What i got was more of a confused film that went neither here nor there and left me with that Ugly feeling of being let down.Clearly the weakest part of the movie is the script, Even if we are to believe that a bunch of 30 somethings are in college (better than the 70s i know but...), its hard to believe the madness thats being pushed across as real, THE MOVIE FAILS AT BOTH TRYING TO BE REAL AND LARGER THAN LIFE WITH BOTH TYPES OF SCENES HAVING THE HANGOVER OF THE OTHER.THE MUSIC SAVE FOR "Mein Talli.." IS SO BAD THAT YOU ALMOST FORGET THE EVEN WORST PLACEMENT AND EDITING OF THE SONGS.And whats with the sati savitri Mallika in her own words, we don't come to see her fully clothed, hell besides one song where she looked quite sexy (which was ruined because the songs were just so pathetic), she didn't even expose in goa for gods sake.The only saving grace of the movie was the acting which was decent given the weak script, both Ranvir and Mallika did a decent job but thanks to the badly written script, many scenes looked like they were being hammed. And lets be frank Ranvir cant dance sala, so why is he doing it so much.I suspect the movie has been copied from some movie because of the scenes were not the kind you normally see in Indian movies. In fact i would like to go on a limb and say it is some Asian movie, who are more atuned to obsessive love and such themes.In all we have a poor movie that is best avoided, not suitable for any audience, in any mood.-s script, songs, jokes, editing, songs, songs, editing, script.+/-s acting or script which is to blamed??!!No exposure.+s decent acting, A FEW FUNNY 4/10 (i have factored in the fact that it fell below my expectations but don't want to exclude that and give it a five which makes it an OK movie which it definitely is not, i went with people who expected bad and the got it and those who had no idea they were seeing this and still found it bad so....)
Chrysanthepop 'Ugly Aur Pagli' shamelessly rips off one of my favourite romantic comedies 'Yeopgijeogin Geunyeo' a.k.a. 'My Sassy Girl'. Not only is the plot hackneyed (and severely underdeveloped), the beauty, subtlety, poetry, sincerity and heart is replaced by toilet humour, non-funny jokes (yes, even the translated dialogues sound ridiculous), loudness, and mild vulgarity. These pathetic makers obviously have no respect for the original. The songs are visualized like those sleazy MTV music videos popping out of nowhere. Music director Anu Malik makes a come back when he was better off in 'exile'. His ghastly score is much worse than his pathetic voice. Ranvir Shorey hams his way through the film. I don't understand why a talented actor like him, who delivered one of the year's finest performances in 'Mithya' chose to be a part of this piece of trash. Mallika Sherawat does not convince at all. Nor does anyone else in the movie. Zeenat Aman's cameo is laughable which is quite a pity as one would have expected something better since we don't get to see her enough these days. This is one movie that should and deserves to be avoided at all costs. Trust me, you're better off watching almost anything else.
toxic69 First of all i would like to start with saying that it is a very good movie. I know it is inspired by a Korean movie, but the Indian touch given is awesome. I went to watch this movie only because i am a fan of Ranvir and liked nearly all his movies like mixed doubles, mithya(one of his best), etc. To no surprise, ranvir was way too good. He is a natural actor and really made the movie worth watching. His face reactions were very good and malika wasn't that bad. But to some point i think she didn't pull the role that good. I went with my 3 friends and only i enjoyed the movie. If you have loved before or are in love then you will really understand how it feels. So go and enjoy the film.

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