U Me Aur Hum

2008 "Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people"
U Me Aur Hum
5.8| 2h37m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 11 April 2008 Released
Producted By: Devgan Entertainment
Country: India
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The movie starts with Ajay (Ajay Devgan) telling a boy that he should make his move on a girl he likes. The boy (who is his son) tells him that if he can go woo another older lady, he will tell the girl he likes about his feelings.

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rajitz Let me start off by saying that this is one of the most Intelligent movies I have seen come out of Bollywood in a long long time. Not only is the story line original, but the way Ajay Devgan and co. have gone about executing the project is nothing short of phenomenal, and may I say, even a breakthrough for Indian cinema. Let me explain why.First of all, the whole topic of mental illnesses and its disastrous effects on society anywhere, including in India, was brilliantly depicted in the most not-so-serious and not-so-melodramatic way possible.Not only did this movie break the mold by bringing out the acute suffering of patients with schizophrenia and showing the current pathetic dismissive attitude of society towards the serious repercussions of this disease, but it finally brought into public discussion an extremely serious topic that has so far unfortunately been a social taboo. Indian audiences (and people, by extension) need to understand that if they want their so-called "Superpower" dreams to come to realization, they will have to mature into a social evolutionary state where mental health patients and the dire straits that they and their families go through are well understood and appreciated. To think that these patients cannot be assets to society is the biggest myth ever propagated; you just need to check out: http ://www.schizophrenia.com/famous. htm Anyways, coming back to the movie, it was funny and entertaining to the very core (despite treating such a serious topic). The best line was something to the effect of: The best part of wooing a girl is when you know that she has been wooed (can't type this in Hindi because of IMDb spell-checker :|) There were also gems which played on double meanings of words/phrases...you'll have to see the movie to see what I mean, since I don't want to spoil all the fun for you! :) ... The direction and story line obviously was very intelligent and sophisticated, and certain characters like the small rotund boy who is on the cruise ship were downright hilarious!! To sum this up, this movie had it all: brilliant wit, very nice songs, amazing acting (the Devgans were at it again ;), and showcasing the humane facade of a very serious topic at the same time.The only thing bad was the poor editing of the English subtitles (since I saw it here in the US) - some of those typos were hilarious, just to add another angle to the overall highly entertaining nature of the movie ;).
CAMKG Ajay Devgan's U, Me Aur Hum is an imperfect film. It will never be taught in a film school. Intellectually, you can make a laundry list of the flaws in the film. Cynics will like to point out the similarities between this and some Hollywood films like The Notebook, Iris and Away From Her - all films involving Alzheimer's and memory loss. There are some who have even pointed out that Devgan should have done a scene-by-scene copy instead of a thematic one. I wish you had a magnetic cynic-o-meter at the theaters for these cynics so they would not be allowed to watch the film. U, Me Aur Hum is the realization of Devgan's belief in his film and his conviction in telling a story his way. It is an emotional film and in that sense a very good film. It works because the drama is genuine and Ajay and Kajole are seasoned performers who have great chemistry. There are some who say that Ajay and Kajole have gotten old. Those people are not only cynical but superficial as well. Such people should perhaps invest their money in a copy of Maxim or FHM instead of this film. To the passionate independent filmmaker U, Me Aur Hum would be very inspiring. Devgan has put everything into a story he believed and then put a team of people together who may or may not be the who's who in Bollywood, but who are nevertheless talented. These people have obviously bought into Devgan's vision and what has translated on screen is very genuine, very from-the-heart and very moving. Co-writer Robin Bhatt, co-producer Kumar Mangat, cinematographer Aseem Bajaj, composer Vishal Bharadwaj, supporting cast Sachin Khedekar, Divya Dutta and gang are all to be applauded for their efforts. Special mention to new lyricist Munna Dhiman - seems like another Prasoon Joshi in the making. Aamir Khan and Ajay Devgan - apart from being actor-director-producers - have something else in common: they have always been original in their thinking and tread their own path. They are superstars aspiring to be and remain artists. The coming years in Bollywood are going to be very exciting. The size of the film will not be based on budget or star power, but ideas and heart. Ajay Devgan will also have his part to play in these new 'big' films.
gudiya68 I wouldn't call this movie a must watch, but if you've got nothing to do for a couple of hours.... Kudos for picking such a difficult topic as Alzheimer's as still many people don't understand this disease. Lots of copying from The Notebook,but I don't really mind watch Bollywood remakes, however for this film it might have been better if they just did a scene by scene copy bollywood style. A good effort from the Devgan's,unfortunately the love story just wasn't believable for me. Ajay and Kajol looked great together, but they're aging. The acting wasn't too bad, but when your don't have good dialogue it doesn't matter. It would have been better showing them falling in love after an arranged marriage, instead of the whole love at first sight thing. Boring scenes when Ajay looks through Piya's scrapbook and the film shows choppy childhood scenes which were pointless. Also the whole salsa dancing scenes were painful to watch and what was up with the kid who stalks them on the boat? Not nearly enough scenes of normal life after marriage. I found the camera work to be annoying like others have said. Lots of weird close ups (I mean I could see their pores!!). Usually the first half of bollywood films are more fun to watch, but not here, the second half of this one is much better than first. I really liked the supporting characters a lot and would have liked to see more developed stories there since they open the film. Divya Dutta is always a joy to watch. She should do more films. ps. I liked the guy who said "he felt like ripping his arm out and bashing his head" - hilarious, still laughing!!
nsadiq5 After watching it's trailer everyday, my wife concluded that this movie is a MUST WATCH thing, but after the movie my wife (first time in her life) admitted that it was a mistake to come to this one.When I started watching this movie, I lost my interest in it very soon. I think watching this movie in theater atmosphere is a painful experience. I must admit that acting was fine and some moments were catching, but nothing that can make it any interesting.I wish I could write something in favour of this movie, but there is nothing I can think of. Sorry guys, I'm not recommending this one, almost 3 hour of run time will feel like the life sentence in jail.

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