This movie is so bad I feel I can actually hear my daughter's brain melting as she watches it. An idiotic story line, coupled with pathetic acting, results in a movie that insults the viewer's every sense. I know the intended audience is preteen, but that does not mean the movie makers should have free license to ensure that the viewers become idiots in adulthood. I am almost beside myself with disgust. I blame Disney. Their movies and TV shows have become so excruciatingly trite, cutesy and devoid of any cultural value. I firmly believe that Walt Disney is turning in his grave at the drivel that comes out under his name these days.Not content with this cultural miscarriage, they went ahead and made a sequel. You have to wonder why the makers of this film seem to hate us so much.
this was an OK movie. i mean the storyline was all screwed up, but i don't blame whoever made,if you've read the books you know that they can make a whole full length movie with just one. personally.i think it was kinda cute when they matched up karsh and ileana(did i spell her name right?)because really,if they were the same age, don't you think they'd be dating in the books? and where's alex's streaky hair? oh well,this is a good movie to watch with your whole family or a few friends on a really dull or dark rainy night.they showed it at my cousin's school for halloween.oh and one last note,anyone who's seen the movie and liked it but not read the books, i strongly recommend you read them,those books are awesome!
This movie was radically different from the book series. The plot was a jump from the time the twins meet to the end of the series, and the speed of events made the whole story confusing. The differences between the two were not obvious enough, and the story was not in depth enough. The only part of the movie I enjoyed was the cast, all of whom are terrific actors. However, while I enjoyed their performances, I was disappointed that Karsh was not old, Ileana was not self-centered, and Evan and the six-pack were completely missing from the movie. Also, it does not seem likely that with the twins living in the same city, they would not have even run in to each other by their 21st birthday. I was incredibly shocked at the contrast between the movie and the books.
This movie is totally different from the books,but I still think its great to watch and children will never know the difference. I think that this movie with Tia and Tamera Mowry is really amazing and is a great Disney movie and I am looking forward to the second movie as well as others. Just to spoil the movie a little Thantos the twins uncles wants to kill them,but also married the girls mom and killed their dad and thousand of others in the movie but in the book he let his brother kill the girls father. Wow maybe I spoiled too much.Anyway to spoil a little more of the movie from the book is that in the book Illeana and Karsh are just friends and Karsh watches over the young minded witch.In the movie Karsh isn't an old man but younger and they both date each other, Illena is still absent minded but isn't at all bossy as she is in the book. Karsh is also way to goofy in the movie and not a bit serious as in the book except for a serious face in the movie.