Anders Twetman
I don't know what to say, Turks in Space has left me speechless. I just don't get how anyone can make a movie like this, and think the end result is good enough to show it to the public. There is nothing in this movie worth the audience' time or money.The synopsis tell us that it is about a Turkish spaceship captain who searches the galaxy for a lost crew member. In reality it is just a bunch of paper thin, stereotypical, poorly acted characters going through an unfunny comedy routine, mixed in with a bit of promotion for Turkey and Turkish culture. The inane story is just something that happens in the background for mot of the running time, then ends with an underwhelming Disney style climax. Perhaps I just don't understand the charm of main actor Mehmet Ali Erbil but this is the second horrible movie I've seen him in. Things are not looking good for Turkish cinema if this is what it puts out.
Once upon a time there was a film called Turkish Star Wars at least thats what everyone calls it) The film is one of the most loved bad films for its ripping of stock footage from Star Wars, the poor effects, the silly action and the ridiculous plot! So 20 years later they try to make a sequel and not just a sequel A COMEDIC SEQUEL even though the first movie was taken seriously! That is a bad idea from the start a it differs too much from the tone of the first movie which while it was silly it was taken seriously which adds to the appeal. The first flaw in this movie is the jokes are horrible! The jokes are so forced you would probably be seriously injured from the sudden force! The timing is awful as well mainly because they either go on for too long or they are so quick you would not even realize they were jokes. The movie relies on too many stereotypes and predict-abilities like a dog on the spaceship who is pissing on the equipment or an old lady who is the maid or a child soldier or heck an old man who is always asleep LOLROFLMAOBBQ!!!!!! the production value are decent but they are too good because the original was had a dirt poor budget which adds to the film's appeal but production values in this movie are not used for comedic effect even!!!! In case you have not realized there is no plot!!! The movie is just an hour and a half long three stooges skit in space (and if I wanted to watch that I would have watched The Three Stooges in Orbit!) the movie pretends it has one with the son of the protagonist from the first movie but he is painfully dull and random stuff just happens! Do not watch this movie! If you want comedy sci fi than go watch Red Dwarf, Mars Attacks!, Spaceballs, Galaxy Quest or The movie version of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy just anything but this!!!!
I tried to watch this film, I really did - I happened to be at someone's home and their young nephew had brought this movie to keep himself entertained. In goes the DVD, and there upon the TV screen I see Mehmet Ali Erbil prancing around in all his glory. The movie banks heavily on Mr. Erbil's "irresistible" charm - To say that the filmmakers overestimated Erbil's abilities is the understatement of the decade.Basically, the film is a campy 'remake' of Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam (AKA: "Turkish Star Wars"; Semi-literal translation "The Man Who Saved the World" ) that retains none of the original film's crude charm. This movie is just so poorly constructed it isn't even as unintentionally funny as the original - There is simply no way to excuse the people behind this film for being so lazy and crass.However, I don't think it deserves to be in the Bottom 100 - It's a trashy movie, there is no sense in debating that point, but there are many other titles more deserving of such an 'honor' both within and outside of the world of Turkish cinema. Seriously, some of the sleazy movies that come on late at night make this movie look like a Shakespearean classic on film.This is type of film that will act as late night filler for years to come in Turkey, but it's hardly the worst thing out there. I do not recommend this movie to anyone other than rabid Mehmet Ali Erbil fans and people who have their heart set on seeing what all the fuss is about.
One of the worst movies ever seen. This one doesn't even deserve to be a B Side movie. A 110 minutes of torture. It supposed to be a comedy movie but you should have the weirdest kind of sense of humor to find this movie funny. It supposed to be a sequel to the original "Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam" but the only thing that reminds you the original one is that the characters keep honoring "Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam (The man who saved the world)" As a sense of irony the first one was way much funnier even it was not cut as a comedy movie. It was a hopeless effort to be a science fiction because of lack of finance, a very bad script, etc. But this guys have no excuse. They have their money to waste. The characters have no ability to act including Mehmet Ali Erbil (who has made movies for twenty years!). The script is simply aaaawful. My comment = Rubbish.