
1982 "Journey now into a startling new dimension where energy lives and breathes. A world inside the computer where man has never been. Never before now."
6.7| 1h36m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 09 July 1982 Released
Producted By: Lisberger/Kushner Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When brilliant video game maker Flynn hacks the mainframe of his ex-employer, he is beamed inside an astonishing digital world...And becomes part of the very game he is designing. In his mission through cyberspace, Flynn matches wits with a maniacal Master Control Program and teams up with Tron, a security measure created to bring balance to the digital environment.

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Lisberger/Kushner Productions

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Fluke_Skywalker Plot; A young computer programmer finds himself on the other side of the screen, prisoner of the despotic Master Control Program.Tron's trailblazing technical merits are well documented and just as well deserved. So too is the praise for its far-seeing look at a world that did not yet exist, but would soon come to be, as well as its mood enhancing electronic score. But I don't think it gets enough credit for its clever subtext (religious, corporate and Cold War) and for not letting its story--however basic on the margins--get lost and buried under the techno-wonder of it all.
Mellow Online1 I don't like Tron. There I said it. People regard this film as a cult classic but personally I don't see why.For anyone that is unaware, Tron is a film released in 1982. It's about a video game creator's idea being stolen by a big company head. He goes in to get proof that the idea was his, only for a machine to get him sucked into the game he created. He needs to work with programs that he created in order to get out as well as fight against viruses inside the game in order to get out. The plot was probably one of the best things about the film. It was quite a unique idea at the time and was interesting to see this new sort of plot being taken on.The main thing that's praised about Tron is its visuals and I'll come to agree. The movie's effects were really impressive for the time and even live up today.The one thing I noticed about the reviews of Tron was that they only seemed to talk about how good the visuals were and didn't talk about anything else. I find Tron stupid. Some questions are left unanswered and it also has a few confusing and unnecessary parts. I will go onto list them here. At the start of the movie a scientist says "his whole life he's worked on a machine" and that machine's purpose is to make objects disappear and then they reappear a few seconds later. I don't know about you but I think that's his life wasted. I can't think in one way how that sort of machine could be useful. The guy who created the game is introduced in an arcade playing a video game which he for some reason sweats from, I don't know one person who sweats from playing a video game. It might have also just been an excuse for that actor to take their top off to reveal his pecks for no reason and yes that actually happens. There is a scene when he's about to have a fight to the death with a program. I'm not sure about you but if I was going into a fight to the death and I was just a video game creator, I would be terrified, but this programmer isn't as he goes into the fight to the death grinning like an idiot. There's a huge dramatic moment where one of the programs dies and despite this program appearing in about 2/3s of the film, the other characters don't seem to care. I'm actually going to type the dialogue that is delivered after he dies."Where is he?" "He died" "*gasp* alright* I'm not joking, that is actually what is said. There's another part where one of the programs is tired from lying down. I'm not joking about that either. He literally lies down, gets up and is gasping for breath.I fail to see how other reviews of this movie haven't considered that this movie is so bad that it's good. That's how I see it. Yes the plot is creative and the visuals are cool and still hold up today but everything else falls flat. The characters aren't given anything to be called characters, the acting given off feels like the actors were held at gunpoint to perform, there are scenes that don't go anywhere, and most of all it suffers from bad writing.
timebeetlebrannigan679 Let me start by saying... I didn't understand what was going on in the film. A cursory glance at the message boards, as well as talking to various doctors, professors, people at the grocery store, tells me that it is possible to understand this movie... well, more power to you, then. I had a very hard time following the action because all the characters were wearing the same clothes. Also, I was falling asleep in the second hour of the film. Now, with that out of the way... boy is this movie awesome. It's a computer movie.What would life be like if everyone could go into a computer at any time and live out their fantasy? That is the premise of this film so much as I could surmise. This particular man, the hero of the story (played by Jeff Bridges), fantasizes about light-grids, light-cycles and light-suits, so that's what he chooses to see when he goes into the computer. I personally would not fantasize about such an ugly looking place and such stupid things as techno-diskus tag and translucent neon squares, but the idea works nonetheless, as this is a character-driven movie possibly and this is what this character prefers.Things I liked about the movie are it's computer ideas, some of the colors (SOME of the colors), and just the whole general computer vibe of the production. The director definitely had his thinking cap on when directing some of the scenes of this movie.Now... are there faults? No. With that said... I would've liked for the movie to be a great deal shorter, so that the time when I watched it I wouldn't have fallen asleep so earlier into the movie and would have been able to see more about what happened, like maybe someone else gets to have a computer fantasy that was more to my liking, or maybe the computer goes haywire and the characters have to do some kind of techno-engineering. All in all, a great computer movie.
George Roots (GeorgeRoots) Remember the iconic speed bike scene when Jeff Bridges manages to box the enemy in and defeats him? What do you think goes on in his mind when he looks back and laughs?! Onto the review."Tron", probably remains one of Disney's favourite movies for males. It's very self aware, yet its visuals are out of this world. Largely considered the first movie to ever include a CGI world, it is actually minimalist computer imagery and very well back lit animation. Considering the earlier days of computing software and how it has advanced over the years, I feel Tron's visuals are perfect for its time and still has moments to dazzle. Wendy Carlos's music is also wonderfully immersive, ever cascading highs and dizzying lows. Jeff Bridges is as wonderful as ever, and how memorable was Bruce Boxleitner as TRON?"Tron" is a film that is also extremely important to the history of the sci-fi genre, but sadly no one really ever talks about it that much seeing that the movie had spawned video game adaptations and many comic books. Sadly, a lot of younger generations will now deem it bad and be put off, but I love "Tron" as much as I love the camp-ness of "Barbarella" (1968), and "Flash Gordon" (1980).Final verdict: Great "vector" graphics, highly imaginative & Jeff Bridges (Can't get enough of him). 9/10.