
2015 "No kids allowed"
3.8| 1h36m| en| More Info
Released: 25 June 2015 Released
Producted By: Tiberius Film
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A teenage boy discovers the perpetrators of several brutal kidnappings in his home town.

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foutainoflife It has to be said, without shame, that I totally fell for this poster. I can not be the only one who looked at it and thought that there was a chance of seeing a twisted movie about some freakish child killer, who had been collecting folks and stringing them up in the woods of a small town. I just can't be. Please reassure me by hitting the yes button if this review ends up being helpful for you. I am not a snob when it comes to low budget horror. If you are a horror/thriller/mystery lover, you are all to aware that most movies that fall into this category struggle to get more than a 5 star IMDb rating. You are also aware that the struggle is due to independent viewer subjectivity. Simply put, some viewers want to see torture porn, while others prefer the slow burn. Another way of explaining this subjectivity could be broken down into horror subgenres. There are ghost, demonic possession, serial killers, creepy kids, dolls, clowns, monsters, the list just goes on and on. Someone who thought they were going to get a monster movie, with an awesome creature ends up seeing a ghost movie, they are going to give the movie a less than pleased review because they didn't get what they were expecting or wanting resulting in the low score we see and this is due to the way the movies are marketed. This poster is an example of that. There was a treehouse and yes, there were folks killed but I don't feel as though I got the movie that was marketed by this poster. As a fan of this genre though, I know that sometimes you just have to be willing to take the good with the bad and this is just one of those bad movies. The acting was low budget acting that had a few moments here and there. The atmosphere was tense in a few spots but the story, I felt, was all over the place and left so much to be desired that when the movie stopped, I simply sat there looking at the screen for a few minutes. The ending was so bad. It was a disaster of overacted attempts to twist the film in a few different ways that failed miserably. i will not be suggesting this movie to anyone but if I were still a teenager, I would order this poster, cut the word "Treehouse" from the bottom and hang it on my wall. It is just a cool poster and I wish I could've got movie that did it justice.
kosmasp Or was it tree? Apart from word-plays and jokes that might or might not be funny, the movie has a lot of issues. One being its lead actor (some might argue that calling him that is a stretch, but think about Steven Seagal). There are not many emotions on display, especially if you try to find some on his face.On the other hand you have many of the downfalls of horror movies and the clichés involved. It may not be the most original story but it would have done the trick, if it were better executed and had a better script. I did mention the "acting" on display or the missing of it to be more exact. There are a few nice moments, but too few and far in between ...
David Roggenkamp A young girl arrives home (presumably from school) and comes home to a strange sight; her father isn't home, but he has left a note that he has left for Kansas City and her brother is upstairs in bed. Only there are footsteps in the house and her brother isn't in bed. She has a gone soon in tow and she is off to see just what is going on. Her brother's screams can be heard in the distance, and all she sees in the sun is a strange man. Poltergeists? Ghosts? Supernatural creatures maybe? The movie would have us think so, and with many of the amazing lens flares, lighting angles, surreal scenery and dark ambiance thrown about, is it ever a wonder! This movie plays heavily on special effects and established horror movie elements, but throws any of them together when they don't belong. This can be attested to in the documentary where the special effects artist goes into detail about some of the special effects; it looks more like they were included as filler or simply for show. However, they do a great job early on leading us in one direction, but the movie starts to fall apart in the latter half when most of what is going on is revealed. I did find the movie genuinely terrifying for the first half – we never truly see the creatures; but once things are revealed I thought the movie was a bit trite. You may feel different.Originally posted to Orion Age ( p=6848).
nialexproductions When I first saw the cover of film I wasn't expecting much. As the movie starts we are brought to a girl she goes looking for her little brother you catch a glimpse of a blurry figure but it is gone then I thought this was a supernatural creature and then a horrible thought entered my head ALIENS.I thought about turning it off but I had to keep on watching. Get this the tree house is only in eighteen minutes of the film and do you know what's worse the things that are hunting them are regular people there's one part when the hero throws a survival knife into a regular guys chest and he just pulls it out and I know it didn't kill him because after the hero and the girl who's in the beginning. After they murder a innocent driver they pull two assault rifles out of his truck but first why dose someone have two guns that they carry around with them everyday anyway after they fall in love with each other they say there's one more left and its the one who pulled a knife out of his chest then the movie ends oh by the way the girls brother dies