This is a made-for-TV thriller starring Jack Wagner as Michael Cooper, who launches a rescue mission to save his wife, daughter and others from being trapped in a ski lodge hit by an avalanche.It is notable seeing the the aftermath of the avalanche has on the trapped people, making it pretty intriguing to wonder how they will get out of this predicament alive.The acting was so-so, pretty campy at times, and the plot is somewhat slow at times, especially the story being consumed at times by the characters' bickering. Not one of the better TV movies, but also not one of the worst. It's tolerable at least.Grade C
This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. What happened to pride in one's work? The writer, surely should have known that so much of this was unbelievable. The director seemed to have no say in how the actors supposedly acted. Obviously, the actors themselves have no pride in their work as was evident throughout.I wouldn't even rate this as B film. At least B films know they're bad and try to make that part of the movie. This movie tries to portray itself as something to take seriously.I hope my review can help push the overall rating of this movie closer to 1 and aide the next poor soul who stumbles upon this and wonders if it'll be any good.
Saw this on TV. I'm glad I didn't go to the cinema to see this or spend the money on rental. The movie is totally predictable - from the corrupt owner and planner, to the snaking electric cables. The plot is really weak and unbelievable - the avalanche expert guy gets hit by a 20 foot wave of bone breaking avalanche (using actual footage) and all he has to do is get up and shake himself down. The avalanche thunders down at a million miles an hour and stops dead at the side of the road.Some of the actual avalanche material is impressive and shows its devastating power. But the contract between the real avalanche and the staged stuff makes this film look even flimsier.Do yourself a favour, don't bother with this one not even on T.V.
I bought this movie in a ten movie box set for $10 which was a bargain and the movies about a ski resort and an avalanche buries people inside the ski hotel and people are trying to get them out before a other avalanche comes down.This movie is way better then i thought it would be but it still has some flaws and this film is full of great action scenes like the part where they had to climb up the elevator shaft to escape.The acting in this movie was bad most of the time but what would u suspect from a made for TV movie and the movie stars actors and actress like Jack Wagner (I),Gabrielle Carteris,Mark Lindsay Chapman and Morgan Rusler.And over all this is an entertaining movie and my rating is 5 out of 10.