Transporter 3

2008 "This time, the rules are the same. Except one."
6.1| 1h43m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 05 December 2008 Released
Producted By: Canal+
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Frank Martin puts the driving gloves on to deliver Valentina, the kidnapped daughter of a Ukrainian government official, from Marseilles to Odessa on the Black Sea. En route, he has to contend with thugs who want to intercept Valentina's safe delivery and not let his personal feelings get in the way of his dangerous objective.

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a-beeker2 The amount of time spent to alter every car chase by simply creating a 1960's style "twice the speed" type car movement, in every case is absurd. Combined with a typical action movie style type of acting that is a combination of Tokyo Drift and Brazzers, this movie is most definitely one to skip. I just don't get, it you're gonna make a movie oriented movie that is all about the chase, why not get goot CGI instead of this?!
boris_kolarov Before seeing Transporter 3, I expected it to be less cooler than The Transporter and Transporter 2 and I was amazed that I liked it more than its predecessors. I don't have any problems with it so I'm writing only what I liked about it.1)Jason Stathman is still a badass.2)Stathman delivers great non-CGI martial arts action scenes.3)The chase scenes are great as always.4)A great scene was one Frank's car was stolen and he ran to get it back.5)Many people probably hate Valentina but I enjoy her character. She was just trying to smile and was flirting.6)Inspector Tarconi gave the movie some great comedic relief.7)The plot is solid.8)The acting was nice.9)The script didn't seemed too bad.Overall I enjoyed Transporter 3 even more than the other two Transporter-s. From Bad 1 to Excellent 6 I give it EXCELLENT 6. By the way I won't be watching The Transporter Refueled, because I don't think I'll like the new transporter.
Georgian Stanescu This film, tells the story of Frank(Statham) being put to sleep or framed to so that the Frank has a band on him. It seams that he was asked to do a job in the first or second film, and he refused. And as such his past has come to haunt him. So as such he is now under surveillance with a bracelet.While there was plenny of action in it, no doubt, and the skills as I said in the previous sequel is spectacular. However with this sequel, I found the plot slightly confusing. There was the Minister, his daughter, then the guy who was with the daughter at the beginning, and the baddies. Now I can't connect the baddies and the Minister. To do with Environment????
juneebuggy This is definitely my favorite entry from the Transporter series. Just so good in a cheesy, over-the-top action movie with a yummy star kinda way. I had a ton of fun watching this; decent enough storyline, refreshing locations, super cool fight scenes and amazing car chases. Jason Statham is his usual cool, cheeky self, losing his shirt several times and is just bad-ass sexy.I also enjoyed Natalya Rudakova as his love interest, she grew on me as the film progressed, unique looking girl. On that note it was refreshing to watch an action movie that doesn't take place in America. Here we are in Budapest and his love interest is Russian.Bottom line fun, with nice scenery :) 05.31.14