Train to Busan

2016 "Life-or-death survival begins."
7.6| 1h58m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 22 July 2016 Released
Producted By: KTB Network
Country: South Korea
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When a zombie virus pushes Korea into a state of emergency, those trapped on an express train to Busan must fight for their own survival.

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Fred Hamilton This review is for people like me who have put off watching this film for a while. Zombie movies are not my thing.Luckily I bit the bullet, as this is a excellent character film. It is 2 hours of touching moments or upsetting behaviour. The film shows the best and worst of people, which is often true in crisis.The movie is unfortunately hindered by a few cliches towards the end, perhaps because it was made to be a success at the Box office. Only small directing choices that I feel would be better removed. Character behaving same way three times in around five minutes. A Flashback and what I assume was meant as a 3D moment.So if, you have been putting off watching this, in fear of just another Zombie movie. Or you love Zombie movies. I hope that you give it a chance as it is well worth a watch.
lgf-01733 Good film. More zombies per scene and screen than any other zombie movie. LOL Good sex appeal by the cheerleader in cheerleader skirt riding her cheerleader legs. What a supermodel. Apparently she is a South Korean singer. Consider me a new fan.Sorry American women. You have a lot of catching up to do and weight to lose. That many people in a lavatory though...
brendancolgan I have wanted to see this film for ages,I finally got to see it last night,it was even better than I hoped for,I now want to see the prequel Seoul Station,I hope it's as good as This was
hikari12827 This movie has everything! Zombies, action, ALL OF THE FEELS! It's a must watch for sure and the acting is awesome!