Top Gear: The Perfect Road Trip

2014 "Seven days, more than 1,000 miles, 20 cars, two boats, a motorbike and one dream...The Perfect Road Trip."
7.8| 1h24m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 15 January 2014 Released
Producted By: BBC
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The aim: to select the ideal mode of transport for each leg of a pilgrimage from Venice, Italy to Pau in France – home to a legendary street circuit and the origins of Grand Prix racing. On the way we prepare by taking to the track at Monza – the home of Italian Formula One. We try to get noticed on the road course in Monaco in a Bugatti, a Lamborghini and a Model T Ford. After cruising the canals in Venice we take to the tarmac and things look good - thanks to the Ferrari F12 Berlinetta and Mercedes SLS Black. Throw in a Pagani Huayra, Porsche Cayman S and a GT3 as well as the Aston Martin Vanquish centenary edition, Bentley V8 convertible, Rolls Royce Phantom coupe and the face-bending BAC Mono all seems pretty perfect to us.

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Mihai Toma Jeremy and Richard plan a perfect road trip across Europe and change a couple of extravagant cars (but not only) along the way. Their usual attitude is well kept so you can expect a lot of irony, some mini challenges and a lot of cheating from you know who!As usual, a great selection of cars, bikes and boats represents a great delight especially in the hands of the two Top Gear presenters but their perfect journey is a bit far from perfection (especially for Richard who is often driven in a bad mood by his rude colleague). Although I enjoyed most of the film, I have two objections: the obvious one is that James May isn't present (although they think of it as a good part) which represents the salt if the show was some sort of food and the second one is the finale, which is, for the first time in the series' history, utterly stupid...unexpected, but still stupid. Except those, a typically enjoyable Top Gear movie.
fredthehatter Hi,Well, i thought i'll be watching a movie and the 7.4 rating usually means something on IMDb (usually but there is some exceptions).Well, this one obviously is. So, don't watch this unless you really know what you're going to watch and you know you'll enjoy it. Some people enjoy tuning their cars some enjoy beating cats, some might enjoy watching this "documentary" about cars ...7,4, seriously ? I'd explain that with the fact nobody watch this except me and people who are specifically searching for this.I'd give it a 0,01 if it was possible ...
bob the moo I'm not sure why I ended up watching this TV movie from the Top Gear team; I'm not really a fan of the show although I generally enjoy it OTT silliness when I do watch it, I wouldn't make an appointment to do so. Either way I watched this feature length show and found it reasonably enjoyable but oddly lacking in what I usually enjoy about Top Gear. The road trip idea is good and sets up a perfectly fine series of steps with different vehicles each step of the way. What this means is that we get a commentary on each car at each step and generally this did not interest me. I understand this is originally a car review show, but I find hearing someone describe their driving experience just about as dull as watching other people play a RPG; and this is made all the more obvious by the presentation of these opinions being pretty flat.What I prefer is the sense of fun and of enjoyment of the cars and, although this is present in this film, it is not there as much as I would have liked. The lack of flamboyance is also noticeable – with the convertible rally experience being the only thing close. The ending some have said is a fun twist but to me it was a cop-out; if they had planned to deliver on their grand prix goal then they still could have made it happen rather than a sudden and unfunny ending that they had. If the ending felt staged then too much else did as well. They make fun of the absence of May but they could have done with a third wheel because the clash between Clarkson and Hammond doesn't work quite as well without him. Their sequences all feel far too stiff and staged – and I know that of course they are scripted situations, but they feel very unnatural in the most part and their dialogue feels precisely the same.Despite all this though it just about works because the cars are beautiful – and I say this as someone with almost no interest in them and who sees them as disposable things to get me from point A to point B. Despite this I really did enjoy the way the vehicles were shot – it is a very good looking film when it wants to be. I guess fans of this sort of thing will enjoy it, although it seems stiff compared to other episodes of Top Gear I have watched and personally I found it to be a lot less fun than it should have been and instead rather forced, staged and awkward.
Joseph Kalai Was looking forward to this ever since I saw leaked shots of the filming on the web.Very little fooling around here. Just cars, cars and more cars with beautiful scenery and superb music.The ending was unexpected!The usual nonsense of the presenters are there (Clarkson cheating, Hammond's 'exotic' food aversion, making fun of James May, etc.)Somehow Top Gear UK loses some sparkle without James May, which is the case here. The banter between Jeremy and Richard lack a little pizazz at times, but its still good.Being Top Gear UK fans, my wife and I had an enjoyable evening watching this!