Diana Greve
This movie could almost be an advertisement for the benefits of S&M. Almost.The lead male character (there are no names given) is angry, very angry and misanthropic. He cannot contain his disgust for humanity anywhere, or with anyone. Despite his enormous wealth and political connections, he is a little boy, lost in the confusing world of adult relationships.The only thing that can offer him pleasure, solace and temporary calm, is the lead female character's hard love. She's younger, shapely and pretty, and she knows what he wants. Although she won't give it to him until he asks, or infrequently begs, for it.Sadly, there's little more in the movie than that. Laetitia Casta is gorgeous, and Benoît Poelvoorde plays the painfully angry middle aged man convincingly, but their motivations and back stories remain unknown. Perhaps they're in the book this is based on, and so those who have read it can fill in the blanks, but as a stand-alone movie it will leave you unconvinced, or worse, confused.At least two of the bondage/sex scenes are well done, and reveal a certain understanding of such practises. And, to be fair, Laetitia Casta looks real good in the latex, and mostly convincing as the reluctant dominatrix.However, you could isolate those intimate scenes and fast forward your way through the rest of the film, and you'd still have more or less the same grasp on the plot than you would if you watched it in full.There is then some enjoyment to be had, if you're here for the bondage scenes alone. But as a drama, treatise on relationships (the original title is french for "a love story"), or exploration on the psyche of the bondage practitioner(s), there's remarkably little on offer.
Six for watchability (even if we never see the leading lady's fine-looking breasts). She is obviously very mixed up, and likes to thrash rich men around and torture her man-at-home at the same time. She's actually a major bitch and not likable at all, but she's watchable, all right, and the scene where we glimpse her buttocks is particular, but all too brief. The ingenue director is hot with the cool approach, nobody says anything about anything, and the word "whore" is the most frequently used in the movie. The guy is seriously f***ed up, and claims to have killed his father (who knows?). He has tons of money and promises her a million dollars but never delivers and so she shoots him dead and does him a major favour thereby. She's arrested of course, although it's only hinted at. The whole movie is a hint. What of? I don't know, but it makes for a nice mystery. This director will probably do well, if she plays her cards right.
This is the first film directed by Hélène Filières, the female Corsican gang leader of MAFIOSA TV mini series. This movie is a rather strange feature, inspired from actual events: the offbeat death of a famous banker: Edouard Stern, killed by his mistress with whom he had a sadomasochistic relationship. Benoit Pooelverde finds here a character which suits him like a glove. The same for Laetitia Casta. This is also a film with nameless characters. At any moment, we know their real names. Just characters. Period.This movie is worth a look. A good try for a first film. I think Hélène Filières will continue in film making. She seems gifted for this.Philippe Nahon has also a nasty character, usual for him.