Ticket Out

4.7| 1h30m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 28 September 2012 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
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A desperate mother is forced to break the law in order to protect her children from her abusive ex-husband, and rely on the kindness of strangers who help battered spouses to escape their tyrannical mates via an elaborate "underground railway" system.

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Michael Ledo "Ticket Out" and "Breakout" are the same US TV film. Jocelyn (Alexandra Breckenridge) divorces her husband Dennis (Billy Burke) who she claims abuses her and the son. With no evidence, the judge in town Dennis' family owns, grants joint custody. Jocelyn is offered help by Jim (Ray Liotta) who gets them out of town with dreams of Canada.Made for TV quality. Twist that wasn't that great. Acting and script sub-par.
SuzanClark --Caution* Spoiler Alert--An almost believable plot (until the ending), with believable characters. The ending however leaves the viewer to 'rewind' what did I miss? Even with my search of other viewers comments and reading about the movie, plot and thoughts of others "to find an explanation", I still have no idea-- who is who, why..what's the motive of the father. As he shoot's the very person he hired in the end. Confused? to say the least... The most important part of a movie is the ending. It is where all the twist's and turns (and there are plenty in this movie) are supposed to come to a conclusion, where the viewer is enlightened, mesmerized, and in full understanding of the course of events throughout the film. This movie however packed with excitement, lacks a conclusion. It leaves the viewer either waiting for an explanation through dialog in the very last moments, or a 'stay tuned for part two', of which neither arrived.
ju-meira88 I was hoping I would get some drama, anxiety...I thought I would be mesmerized by the script, which sounded nice to me, while reading the back of the DVD. Well, I didn't get any of this. The movie is OK, I didn't waste my time watching it, but definitely it could have been better. It lacks some resolution, you end up wishing it was 10-15 longer. Some of the facts exposed are not quite clear (though you can get some ideas) by the horrible script. They tried to make a thriller, they tried to make our heart jump at some scenes. Well, they almost succeed. I have to say that I like the idea, it was just not well executed. Some of the viewers might watch the movie and get angry just because they wish to see more, to understand the situation better, and truly happened with the characters.
transientdreams I have seen SO many thousands of 'B' movies it would make your head swim. This a fine little gem with a minimum of nonsense and although not perfect, it never, ever makes you wish you didn't watch it. It's a B+ with heart and some soul that many of us wish more movies had. I have seen 'A' list movies far worse than this. Many in fact! Ray is great. The tension is workable. Maybe needs to be 15-20 minutes longer to work out some emotional questions and produce proper 'closure'. I give it 5.5 for execution with a 6.7 for overall intent and budget. I would watch it again for the 'Feel-Good' aspect and good acting alone. And, as much I am not a fan of 'Feel-Good' movies, this is worth a watch above most other crap of its ilk. Truly!~