How disappointing. The idea for this film is excellent, the filming is fairly good too. The acting however is terrible, cringe worthy and irritating. I found myself hoping that all the main characters would get killed off because of how irritating they are!! The police woman - Eurgh. So annoying, awkward acting, painful to watch. Now, like I previously said - the idea of this film is pretty good - suspenseful, good and well thought out story line, some good creepy moments (the phone in the book, I thought that was pretty good). But there were parts of this film where I thought "what the hell is this? what's going on and who are these people?" To top off what is overall a fairly terrible film, a dog gets killed. That's a sure fire way to get me to hate a film.
I've read reviews about this movie. Many said it sucked. In a way, these reviews were not wrong. They WERE wrong if they meant the acting sucked. They WERE wrong if they said it looked low-budget. They Were wrong if they said the story was horrid. But they were NOT wrong if they said there were too many explosions on account of this being a Hollywood "Faith" Movie. I admit, Ted Dekker, Frank Peretti, and such give overly suspenseful and rather incredible accounts of moral struggles, but they all make sense in the end. But if you're gonna take an awesome book and throw in a bunch of un-needed explosions, its gonna suck in that aspect. Also, I admit the final revelation in the plot was a bit too abrupt. There was no foreshadowing, making it seem like "What the bloody heck!?!?!" But if you've read the book, it will be just as awesome.
this movie is a perfect example for a horrible movie.The characters,locations, and most of the story but none of the depth. All the characters seemed flat and emotionless. There was no character development.Through out the movie you can hear a lunatic screaming thr3e dotty words "puke","liar","confess"..The movie is all about "how Kevin confess for a stupid sin that he committed". If you want your worst enemy to confess their sins, the great deal would be to buy them a DVD copy of this crap movie(its so horrible)I am pretty sure they will confess their sins.and i m still wondering how this movie come under the horror gender. In closing,don't waste your time and money on the movie. Go read the book.
Entertaining and worth watching but...A watered down, less enthusiastic, crappy acted version of roughly ...20 % Fight Club (Ending) , 20% Se7en (Format), 20% Saw (Antagonist), 20% The Ring (Day 1,2,3), and 20% Identity.Well the 1/5 each things are exaggerated but you catch my drift, the book may have been original, but the film utilizes and copies too many styles previously established by much superior films.It is semi-creepy however.Watch it, just to see all the pieces of the other movies come together to create disappointing trash!