The Zodiac

The Zodiac
5.3| 1h32m| R| en| More Info
Released: 17 March 2006 Released
Producted By: Myriad Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An elusive serial killer known as the Zodiac terrorizes the San Francisco Bay in the late 1960s, while detectives aim to stop him before he claims more victims. Based on a true story.

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Tss5078 As a culture we are obsessed with serial killers. While some writers choose to glorify these monsters, others simply want to show the truth behind their crimes and the investigation that followed. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, the real story is no where near as interesting as Hollywood makes it out to be, that's where the based on a true story comes in. The case of the infamous Zodiac Killer was a fascinating case, of a man who not only killed at random, but who also taunted the police, by publishing cryptic ciphers in the newspaper, claiming if they cracked the ciphers, they'd know who he was. The man behind the crimes was certainly an interesting case, but the long investigation into finding out who the person might have been, was not. As a film, The Zodiac is said to be a fairly accurate portrayal of the crimes, the investigation, the paranoia than gripped the city, and the political pressure everyone faced as a result. The film makers didn't want to take liberties with the story, glorify the crimes, or present unproven theories from any one of the a number of books written about the Zodiac Killer. That being said, what happened was interesting, but also fairly slow moving and more than somewhat dry. For those people who are unfamiliar with the story of the Zodiac, they may enjoy learning about this case, but for those of us who know it, watching this film was like seeing a very long episode of the First 48. It's interest, the acting is suitable, and it passes the time, but if you're looking for a real entertaining, Hollywood version of the Zodiac story, you'll be much happier with the film simply titled, Zodiac, from 2007, starring Robert Downey Jr. That film is based on one of the more populist theories of the crime, and features more edge of your seat action than it's predecessor.
dfmapalo4 ***Mild Spoilers*** I'm sorry to the director and producer and actors who worked hard (But not hard enough) on making this film. The movie needs A lot of improvement! Come on The Zodiac is based on a true story come on, "The Zodiac likes killing people cause it's so much fun!" He might as well kill himself! And the biggest spoiler that all these slasher films have been giving away, is the clue that the killer is about to kill. I didn't jump once during this film. They should have made Zodiac appear at random moments don't even give us a clue that the killer is near! The situations were plain boring mostly at the killing parts and when they talked all I heard was "BLAH BLAH ZODIAC KILLED SO AND SO AT THIS PLACE BLAH BLAH!" I was all "Say what?" cause I didn't know what they were talking about! No suspense at all! I mean this movie was so boring that I could spoof it all the way through! It's like Zodiac quit smoking and killing became his new hobby! If somebody could PLEASE remake this movie that would be great! Hey, I wonder if the real Zodiac thought this movie was good? L.O.L
dededexter I spent 90 minutes watching this movie only to be disappointed. The beginning held so much promise. The opening scene starting with the first recorded Zodiac murder and then following up with the introduction of the characters, all well done. But thats when the movie takes a turn for me. The lead policeman is not engaging at all. When he become obsessed with catching the killer, resorting to smoking, drinking and bad temper, you do not feel for him. I felt that he was a jerk not considering his family during this time.There are hints that the son connects with the killer - like a profiler, as he seems to collect everything he can on the crimes including breaking into his fathers office, but this not explored. The policeofficer's wife and son are going to leave him, them nothing happens, it was like it didn't happen and they were all back together again. The ending of this film is what is the most disappointing. Ending with the Zodiac threat to kill school children on the bus and the police tailing them. This movie could have been so much better.P.S. The night camera work is way to dark to see what was going on
lastliberal At the end of the movie, the killer was wondering who would play him in a movie. I think he is still waiting as this was probably the most boring show I have ever seen about a serial killer.When the script is already written for you, you would think you have time to focus on some other parts of the movie to make it interesting. Not here folks. There was nothing interesting about this movie. I thought there was one part where it was going to get interesting, but I was mistaken.I don't watch "Grey's Anatomy," so I have no idea who Justin Chambers is, but he showed me nothing here. He spent the entire time drinking and yelling. I don't watch "Prison Break," so I know know Robin Tunney either. She spent all her time at the kitchen table whining.There is no one else here that I recognized either. I don't know why I watched this, but I recommend you let me suffer for you and avoid it at all costs.