I think this movie is somewhat of a cult classic for me. My parents had recorded it off of the TV for me when I was little, and it was tradition to watch it every Halloween. I think it's hard for people who are just seeing it for the first time to connect with it. With all the dazzling special effects of today and the better picture quality and all I could see how it could be lacking. However, I'm on book 4 of the Harry Potter Series and I have to say it reminded me of this movie. I think there are many similarities between them... and not. The one thing Mildred has an instant knack for is flying as does Harry. Snipe is a potions teacher and hates Harry as does Miss Hardbroom to Mildred... I could go on, but this isn't quite the forum for it. But overall I could see how this movie could have been the inspiration for Harry Potter, but not enough to call it plagiarism as some people are.Oh, and Tim Curry is so HOT in this!
Other than the fact that it has magic and is at a boarding school it's really nothing like Harry Potter. It's an all girls school with an all female staff. There are no creatures other than bats and cats. And also they have a special Halloween celebration. Anyone who compares this movie to Harry Potter knows nothing about either story. It has great musical number that you can't help but sing along with. And I don't recall the use of wands.I love the character of Mildrid because she represents so many of use who have a hard time getting things right. And of course she goes through being teased by her classmates. The ending was great just because of the looks on everyone's faces.
This movie is a classic. It is hilarious. If you love cult movies then this is for you. Watching Tim Curry sing and shake his tambourine is hysterical. I have watched this movie every year and not even on Halloween! It has horrible special effects....which make the movie even funnier. It reminds me of a Harry Potter for it's time. The similarities between Harry Potter and The Worst Witch are uncanny. I think that if you are looking for a family movie along the lines of Harry Potter then this movie is great. It is a good movie for all ages, the young kids think it's cool and the older kids will laugh at the special effects. Fairuza Balk was a great actress even back in 1986.
Hermit C-2
The kids love this movie so much that I finally had to sit down and give it a beginning-to-end look. It's no wonder they love it but the odd adult who sees it will like it, too; a lot if you're disposed toward good children's entertainment, maybe a little less if you're approaching curmudgeonhood. But you'd have to be a real sourpuss to actively dislike it.Charlotte Rae and Diana Rigg are fun to watch and I imagine they enjoyed these none-too-subtle roles. Rigg is especially wonderful, playing the unlovable mistress of a witch's academy for all it is worth. The young ladies boast several fine actresses as well. Fairuza Balk was an excellent performer at an early age, as anyone who saw 'Gas, Food, Lodging' will know, but my favorite here is Anna Kipling, who plays Ms. Balk's nemesis.Some parents have religious concerns about showing children anything connected with the supernatural. I would encourage them to try to remember when they were children and think how they would have reacted to a film like this. It's probably the same way your kids will. Have some faith in them and give them a little credit for intelligence. If a parent watches this movie with a child and talks to him or her about their concerns, I don't think there will be any problems.