The Windsor Protocol

1998 "An explosive document is about to put a neo-Nazi in the White House"
The Windsor Protocol
5| 1h35m| en| More Info
Released: 10 November 1998 Released
Producted By: Visionview Productions
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Based on the novels by Jack Higgins, Sean Dillon is a maverick British agent who uncovers a plot to take over the presidency of the United States.

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Visionview Productions

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rspear61 Even though this was made for TV, it still could have been directed with more enthusiasm for the actors used. The script and the direction looks and acts more like a high school senior play. There is no chemistry between Dillon and Lenny, although it appears as though the screen writer worked to provide it. Kyle does not have the darkness that the Sean character seems to need, and Lenny is not believable as the "brainy" kid. There are so many parts of this movie that did not work. It appears to have been written by someone that cut and pasted clichéd "cloak and dagger" subplots from other movies. Each scene is poorly directed, from the first meeting of Sean and Lenny, to the meeting between Sean and Altina Morales. None of the characters give you any reason to become interested in what happens to them. I guess the bottom line is that Kyle does not add any strength to this film. (not to mention having to do some stupid things--like follow the bad guy in daylight on an empty quiet neighborhood street in his black leather jacket which made him stand out like a sore thumb)
hankhanks12345 This is not a very good movie at all. Some of the actors are familiar from TV and movies (Alan Thicke, Kyle McLaughlin), and they did the best with what they had I suppose. But what they had was absolute junk.At no point while watching this did it have me interested. Even the basic premise of the movie, that a secret list of Nazis was released by Hitler at the end of WW2 or something, didn't make a lot of sense. The acting and direction seemed forced, and even the technical details didn't seem to work. A scene involving a press conference with the Vice President, for instance, didn't even seem to have enough reporters to make it seem credible. Suspension of disbelief was basically impossible throughout.
benlindsay I felt the plot seemed interesting (although preposterous): the film seemed to have a good cast (although I admit not having heard of Macha Grenon before!), but the acting seemed disappointing, somewhat leaden, giving the general result of the film being a bit of a let-down for one's money!
Kiser Not the best book-to-TV production, but not the worst. My biggest beef is with casting-I don't have a beef with Kyle MacLachlin, but Sean Dillon (per Higgins' books) is not over 5'4", has sandy hair, and most importantly, AN IRISH ACCENT! Kyle has none of these, making this appear lower budget than it was.