The Unforgiving

2010 "Pray for death"
3.5| 1h14m| en| More Info
Released: 20 August 2010 Released
Producted By: Kamakazi Productions
Country: South Africa
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Two survivors, who appear unwilling to answer questions, are the only links authorities have to a spate of attacks that have hit rural South Africa.

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Kamakazi Productions

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Leofwine_draca THE UNFORGIVING is a cheap, digital torture porn indie flick from South Africa. Half of it is shot in extreme close up with lots of motion blur designed to give any right-minded viewer a headache. Another nail in the coffin is the rubbish editing that takes place throughout. The police procedural plotting feels like mere padding while the rest is nothing more than a lame-o SAW copy.
robert haynes I have no what the budget of this film was but I'm guessing it's pretty darn low. A pity this was completely ignored on its theatrical run out here considering it's an okay-ish little suspenser. It's not really a horror film - at no point is the film ever truly disturbing and this, essentially, is my main problem with it.I think it was marketed as a balls out gore to the wall horror film and it just isn't. You can't compare something done on this budgetary level to something like a "saw" or a HOSTEL. The characters are very underwritten, the dialogue pretty dodgy containing way too many clichés for my taste, some of the performances are a bit flat and there just isn't any real gore.If you're out to make a gore film you have to show the gore - you can't just splash blood in someone's face, grade the $hit out of your picture (overdone in my humble opinion) and use way too many closeups to the point of the viewer saying - okay so where the %uck are we? If you have a needle - show it going in - don't imply it. You're marketing the film as an all out bloodbath but then all you're doing is teasing the audience.The editing is tricksy and needn't be so. The script is tired and somewhat cliché ridden - we've seen it all before with more money and done better, but, and this is a big BUT, for a South African film this is leaps and bounds ahead of most of the crap that litters our screens.At least these kids tried to make a halfway decent movie. At least they've produced something very flawed but also watchable at the same time and they deserve a tip of the hat for that. Well done for taking the time and at least trying to make a good movie guys...and for that they deserve a solid six out of ten at least.Long live South African genre films may there be many more to come! Long live the new flesh!
sarahjones891 If you can find this movie you have to watch it. I was lucky enough to watch it on the cinema and I can tell you I was really impressed.This is a great example of no budget filmmaking. I would love to see these guys working on bigger films - I think they would really kick some ass!This movie was made for no money, but the filmmakers use this to their advantage. Using cleverly created scenes where you see everything in Close-up- Alastair Orr creates a sense of confusion and disorientation, with a narrative that tosses between different points of views and times. You never really know what is going on until the end, where it all comes together very nicely. This is a gem of a little film - even if the gem is painted black.
Andrew Griffiths The first half an hour of the film feels like a SAW rip off, but the film shoots off in a very different and exciting direction in the second act. The film uses a very novel way of telling the victims' stories, and this keeps you engaged as it builds to a bloody climax. The film uses the idea that the audience thinks they are watching a SAW or HOSTEL and flips those expectations on its head.The film is inspiring to see what you can get away with on a very limited budget, and I'm not talking about Hollywood limited budget, I'm talking about bare knuckle, no budget filmmaking.The film won't win any Oscars, but I am interested to see what these guys can do given even a B Grade straight to DVD American Budget.The cinematography is very original and the editing is outstanding. The script could be a little more original but the actors cover the flaws in the script with decent performances.