[email protected]
You must see this film. Utterly and totally amazing. A perfect film, matched only by Body Heat and Fargo for its merciless exploration of the phenomena of criminality. The plot is so tight you can't put a razor blade between its uncemented blocks. The protagonist is trapped on the horns of terrible a dilemma, and does the only thing he can do in the situation. His choice is utterly believable and utterly horrifying. The consequences equally so. The ending is as inevitable as it is appropriate and yet I wish it weren't. But, like everything else in this film, it is as it must be. But the worst thing of all is that it could happen to any one of the tens of millions of equally vulnerable citizens of the great Uninsured States of America just as easily as in a Second World backwater like Serbia. Now that's really horrifying!
Pascal Zinken (LazySod)
A family of three learns that its kid is suffering from a heart problem that is gradually getting worse. The kid will die if he isn't operated on but the operation is expensive and the insurance won't pay for it. How far will the parents go to get the money? As the film starts the three lead characters get introduced - mother, father and not to forget, the kid. At the same time it is shown that the kid is ill and is getting worse and the effect of that on the family is made clear. It's unnecessary to say that there is a level of stress in the relationship as both parents face the fact that they do not have the money to save their kid. And it is this stress and the way it is portrayed that makes this film so strong. As the film rolls on and the effects get worse and worse the portraying of it stays true and all the characters are believable.As it moves to the point where action is taken it is clear why it is done and also clear where it will end, but this level of predictability isn't bad for it only answers a question that could have been answered even before the film started.As it moves towards its end it is clear that it will linger on the mind for some time after the ending credits roll by - the effects used are strong like that.9 out of 10 disturbing ways of solving a problem
I think there is a big problem with this film because it is so much imitating American films. And not just those. A little of everything the director likes. Acting is very bad and unconvincing. I was very disappointed. So many shots that don't carry none significance at all. It seems like they tried everything. Such a subject, such a psychological subject and they gave more attention to shots and none to relations and emotions. I wrote a message on a message board about this film. I really don't believe that this film is good just because it looks like it's from USA. Yes it's a big subject, Balzac and Dostoyevski wrote about it long before we were all born, but it was done so weakly. The whole cinema laughed at loud when an actor called Manda appeared on the screen, even tough it was not supposed to be funny. That is not good for the film. I mean there are two parents who are in a situation worst for any parent, and two of them are acting so weak. That's a director's mistake.
We went to the showing of Klopka at the Berlinale without any info or knowledge of the film...basically it was the only one we could get tickets for on a night when we could find a babysitter.Anyway, we arrived with no preconceptions and the film was simply brilliant. The story was thoughtful without being pretentious, the acting was superb, and the little nods to Serbian society (and how that reflects on the rest of us as well) were thought-provoking without being in your face. Hopefully everyone will have the chance to see this movie, but I guess not...if you do, don't miss it...and congratulations to the people behind it for a wonderful achievement.