The Tourist

2010 "It all started when he met a woman."
6| 1h43m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 10 December 2010 Released
Producted By: Spyglass Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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American tourist Frank meets mysterious British woman Elise on the train to Venice. Romance seems to bud, but there's more to her than meets the eye.

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areatw It seems the entire budget for 'The Tourist' went on recruiting Depp and Jolie, because almost everything else about this $100 million production seems to have been put together with minimal effort. Even Depp and Jolie themselves are a disappointment, with Depp looking bored out of his mind most of the time and Jolie never really taking to her role. Although given the material they were working with, you can't really blame them.Everything about 'The Tourist' is terrible. The plot is plain silly, the characters one dimensional and shallow, and the dialogue between them forced and unnatural. The only positive to speak of is the beautiful Venice setting and scenery, which offers a welcome distraction from what is a truly awful movie all round.
mark.waltz Still trying to figure that out. An action style opening is very uninvolving and then nothing really happens for 40 minutes. Angelina Jolie, one of the hottest actresses of the past decade or so, really isn't as much an actress as she is a scandal sheet headline. She has every man practically drooling over her, but I find her to be an ice princess whose career seems to be melting around her. It may take time, but she's a lackluster personality with too much ecologin who just isn't all that interesting on the big screen. Certainly no Audrey Hepburn in "Roman Holiday" taking a weekend trip to Venice via Paris.She's involved in some sort of international intrigue, and by sitting with Johnny Depp on the train from Paris to Venice involves him in her caper, putting him in danger, a sequence which finally adds some action when he is chased atop Venitian rooftops by the bad guys and ends up in an Italian prison because of it.Any time that Depp appears on screen, this film manages to be raised a notch, even though his character seems to go from dorky buffoon to wised up and angry, and following Jolie all over in spite of her admission that she just used him.One dimensional bad guys mistake Depp for one of Jolie's associates, and this continues to involve Depp in her intrigue. This should have been much more exciting and fails miserably in its attempts to be a romantic thriller with Jolie yet another adventuress living a James Bond/Indiana Jones life a la Lara Croft. At least that mediocre series moved at a fast pace. This moves along like a snail and has little cleverness. I felt sorry for Depp, but as far as Jolie was concerned, it sludged her down my ratings scale.
MarcoLara I can imagine this conversation between Angelina Jolie (AJ) and the producers of the film (PF): AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - Yes, but you get to wear 12 wonderful dresses. AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - We are going to pay you a gazillion dollars. AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - You don't have to act. Just read the lines. AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - You get to wear ALL the make-up. Minimum 2 kilos per shot we promise. AJ - But the script is horrible! PF - All the men in the movie, we mean ALL, will look at you like you are the prettiest girl ever despite the fact that...well, we all know your glory days are already behind you. AJ - ...ooook....I am listening...anything else you want to throw to the bargain table? PF - Free trip to Venice? AJ - Deal.I mean, seriously, why oh why all big name actors, on top of their careers, must make such horrible movies. Remember "Runaway bride"? It's not like they need the movie, or more fame. It's not like they just started and must get whatever role is thrown at why do they do it? Angelina would have 100 guys that will take her to Venice and cater to her every need, so why does she need to do such thing?And don't get me started with Johnny "Dead" (because this is how he looks through the entire movie).The movie is bad no matter how you look at it. The plot is predictable, the acting is horrendous (in fact, the supporting actors are better than the lead characters), the story is bad, the romance is forced...nothing, and I mean nothing, is good in this movie...except that you get to see nice parts of Venice, but I won't even give points to that because the movie is just this bad.I don't recall giving such bad reviews, but this "jewel" takes the cake. Don't watch it. And remember, if you say "the tourist" tree times in front of a mirror Angelina Jolie will put 2 tons of make-up on your face!FUN FACT: Why does everybody talks to their cuffs?
Python Hyena The Tourist (2010): Dir: Florian Henckel von Donnersmark / Cast: Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton, Rufus Sewell: Slick caper about adventure and identity. Johnny Depp plays a professor whom is suddenly hooked up with Angelina Jolie. This sends him on the run when authorities mistake him for someone whom owes a great deal of money. Director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck is backed with exquisite locations and photography as well as sets that compliment the era that it attempts to portray as well as the films that inspired it. Jolie is perfect as the mysterious woman whom enchants and fills Depp with wonderment. Both leads play out numerous plot twists before certain secrets are revealed. Both leads also transcend what made the old spy films so appealing. This film even contains a similar look, which works to greater effect. Paul Bettany plays the straight forward yet effective role of CIA agent foiled at every opportunity. Timothy Dalton as a gangster is the weakest aspect particularly his contrived conclusion. Depp is the modern symbol that was portrayed by Cary Grant in Charade, and Jolie gives off that mysterious wonderment that Audrey Hepburn gave off in the same film. The film is underrated perhaps because it doesn't follow the standard action formula and is better structured. It keeps viewers interested as well as provide several plot turns to complicate the mission. Its one big flaw is with the fact that the villains are about as interesting as cracked pavement. Otherwise it is a fine send off to spy films. Score: 8 ½ / 10