The Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy
4.4| 1h29m| en| More Info
Released: 08 August 2006 Released
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A woman and her daughter (Nicole Muñoz) encounter a deadly legend at a bed-and-breakfast.

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Klovemovies Tooth faiy well its very similar to Darkness Falls its pretty much the same thing except a tooth fairy is after a little girl rather than a little boy and this tooth fairy is not afraid of the light and seems more hunts people with axes and power tools. Now Lochlyn Munro moves into this old cursed house turning it into a country inn giving up on his career as a doctor saying he just was not cut out for it, he has a young man whos going to be a football star and a pretty lady going to be a vet, along with his x wife and daughter staying around as the first guests, things get bad when the little one (nicole munoz) loses her last baby tooth the fairy lady will stop at nothing to get her. There is some great comedy here with the stereo typical rednecks they will give you a good laugh, there's a little bit of nudity we see some boobs so thats a plus and we have some cool deaths that involve big machines power tools and axes, so there's plenty of fun here. Check out the tooth fairy and see if she gets what she wants, Will she get it? you have to watch and find out
lastliberal Good story, a sufficient amount of gore, interesting characters, and the requisite titties; all combine to make an enjoyable slasher film. It may not make the purist's Top Ten for the year, but it was worth the time.With over 100 roles, I should know Lochlyn Munro by now, but I kept thinking he could be Gary Busey's son. He did a credible, but not impressive job in this film. The real roles went to the three blondes.First up was veteran Carrie Fleming, who had me from hello. I spent the whole movie hoping to see more than teeth, and was rewarded in a bizarre scene where she and a wanna be rocker decide to get it on while his groupie (Sonya Salomaa) is in the next room nailed to a wall disemboweled, and another was on the front porch with a couple of dozen nails in her back. Just didn't seem to be the time for romance to me.Chandra West had the best role as the girlfriend of Munro. She really gave a good performance, especially tangling with the two hillbillies.P.J. Soles (Death by Engagement, The Devil's Rejects, Jawbreaker) played the woman next door that warned everyone about the Tooth Fairy.Nail guns, guts and other body parts on the ground, hatchets, a wood chipper, screams, and two beautiful titties. A good time.
lost-in-limbo Darcy and her young daughter Pamela are heading out to the country where her mum's boyfriend Peter left his doctor's position in the city to become a writer and fix up a bed and breakfast inn. Although this inn has a terrible past and Pamela learns from one the girl's who lives in the town that a deformed witch once reside in that house. They called her the 'Tooth Fairy' as she would kill kids after getting their last baby tooth. This work on the inn, has awoken the 'Tooth Fairy'. Now she has her sights on Pamela and her last baby tooth, but if any gets in the way they face the same fate that awaits Pamela.This flick's old folk myth of the 'Tooth Fairy' doesn't paint her in a very generous way, as you would believe when you were a child. Don't they just love turning happy childhood memories into nightmares! Another one which did fall into the same category was "Darkness Falls (2003)". I can't compare how similar they are in the premises, because I haven't seen the latter, but I mostly read they have basically share the same idea. For a little straight to DVD film, this DTV effort looks good and has some promising images surrounding the senseless and traditionally by the book plot device. Low expectations are needed, as I wouldn't class it as an success, but I found it be to marginally entertaining.Cory Strode and Cookie Rae Brown's story or background for this 'Tooth Fairy' character is completely bare with it leaning more towards a slasher vehicle than anything really supernatural. Silly is a good way to describe what's happening in this poorly scripted story, but it never really feels like a fairytale horror. The dialogues can seem rather redundant and morally hounded. While the acting is simply sub-par with the bland characters they have to work off, but director Chuck Bowman offers up some inventive blood splatter and terribly nasty jolts. This kinda makes up for the lack of suspense, the zero scares and generic tone. His direction is reasonably earnest and visually able, where he gets some atmospheric lighting contrasting well with its slick photography. The promising opening scene is creepily effective. His pacing can slow up in parts and there's the odd and unnecessary slow-motion scene put in, but nonetheless it never gets too stodgy with something active occurring which made sure that I wasn't bored.The make-up special effects provided the goods, as there's enough repulsive gruel and the Tooth Fairy's appearance is especially gooey. The figure of the tooth Fairy can look threatening in its black robe, bubbling make-up and swift movements. Being on location helps carve out a more natural feel and can get atmospherically rich in its sense of eeriness. Child actors can be incredibly annoying, but Nicole Muñoz was decent in her part. Lochlyn Munro and Chandra West are somewhat solid, but can be a little too causal in their performances as Peter and Darcey. The radiantly gorgeous Carrie Anne Fleming is one of their lodgers. P.J Soles shows up in small part as a superstitious neighbour who tries to warn them about the evil that lurks at the inn.I thought it was a okay time-waster that has a sound concept, which just isn't fleshed out enough and the execution is pretty textbook stuff. Watchable nonsense, but at the same time extremely forgettable.
kai ringler why is it that, when most critics reviewers, or people in general give a movie a bad rating, i like it. well i guess it depends on my mood, very rarely do i ever agree with the ratings. this movie is the perfect example, this movie got shellacked here on this site, well i for one am going to stand up for it,, the only thing i didn't care for in this movie was the dumb brothers, the movie could have done without them, other than that i have watched this movie over the course of two nights, not that i was bored to death, but just was tired and shut it off, anyway , picked up the 2nd half of the movie the other night , and was very impressed, the makeup, special effects was wonderful,,, i loved the character star.... but what guy wouldn't , the tooth fairy had some great moves.. i find this movie very enjoyable,, yes it's a little campy,, clique..ish. but it was FUN. entertaining, and scary at some points. and as for darkness falls, i also own that movie, and will be rating that one in the future, this isn't the greatest horror movie ever made by any stretch of the imagination, but it sure wasn't the worst, not even close.i will publish my top 10 worst movies of all time at a later date, but here's a quick tease,, 12 monkeys, was awful....... a note stephen j. canell the producer of this film is the same writer for n.b.c. of all those wonderful action series in the 80's a-team,riptide, and a host of others i can remember, so kudos to stephen j. canell on his very fine effort of the tooth fairy.