The Three Stooges

2012 "No knuckleheads were harmed in the making of this film."
5.1| 1h32m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 13 April 2012 Released
Producted By: 20th Century Fox
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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While trying to save their childhood orphanage, Moe, Larry and Curly inadvertently stumble into a murder plot and wind up starring in a reality TV show.

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20th Century Fox

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Sandcooler Are the Farrellys done? Apparently this is the big project they've been wanting to make ever since they first started, but two decades worth of thought couldn't make it any good. It has to be said though, this movie has some pretty decent gags. When you compare it to their other recent works, like "The Heartbreak Kid", you laugh a lot more. But somehow someway, "The Three Stooges" is still very hard to sit through. I know you can't make a Three Stooges reboot (or whatever the hell they call remakes nowadays) without slapstick, but by the fifth time you see them poke each other in the eye you've seen it. Particularly Will Sasso's Curly gets incredibly tiresome within the first twenty minutes. That's probably why the real guys always stuck to brief sketches, because it's all so repetitive. The old slapstick also doesn't gel at all with all the new stuff involved, particularly with the rather hackneyed idea of bringing in "Jersey Shore". There are actually some laughs in this movie, but it just goes absolutely nowhere so you tend to tune out.
Dalbert Pringle *WARNING!* - *Possible Spoilers Ahead!* This film's first fatal mistake - Having The Three Stooges agree to kill someone. I don't care how this murder was justified, the original Three Stooges would never, ever, ever agree to commit an act of homicide. NEVER! There's nothing funny about murder.2nd fatal mistake - Showing The Three Stooges as children. This was pure nonsense and it wasted the first 15 minutes of this movie. And it was not funny.3rd fatal mistake - Filming the story in color and having it set in modern times was a grave error. It would have been so much more effective had the story been given a nostalgic, 1940's look.4th fatal mistake - No pie fights!!! This movie desperately cried out for a few custard-cream pies thrown into some very deserving faces. And, I'm sorry, but, the overlong scene of the pissing babies (though it was funny at first, but was carried on for far too long) didn't compensate for the thrill of seeing someone get a pie right in the kisser.5th fatal mistake - Having to endure a shirtless Peter Farrelly (writer/ director) at the end of the film, flexing and posing in the name of total conceitedness, while at the same time telling the viewer about the hazards of imitating the eye-pokes, face-slaps, etc., etc. that were seen in the film. Like, as though this self-loving poser cared. He just wanted a chance to display (hubba-hubba!) his over-developed pecs to us.6th fatal mistake - Not only did I find that there was no chemistry between the actors who played The Three Stooges, but, Moe didn't command and none of them understood anything about comic-timing (an essentially important element in any slapstick comedy situation).And, finally - 7th fatal mistake (phew!) - In regards to this picture in general - They say that imitation is one of the highest forms of flattery. This, in a sense, is quite true if the imitating is done out of real respect for its subject. And this was not the case here with The Three Stooges.These actors may have been doing their perceived "imitation" of the Stooges, but, it wasn't being done with any reverence or regard for the original Stooges. It was done in a very conceited and disrespectful manner.These actors gave me the clear impression that they thought what they were doing was actually improving on the original Stooges. And that, from my viewpoint, is a fatal mistake which is totally unforgivable.Personally, I think this film should've never been made. The Three Stooges should've just been left alone. And, that's the truth!
g-bodyl Believe it or not, this modern adaptation of the Three Stooges does have some absolutely hilarious moments despite a thin plot and an overlong time. An hour and a half is not long, but for this kind of movie it is. I can take the wackiness of the Three Stooges in small bouts, but not for a feature-length film. That being said, the actors really pulled this one off and they are nearly similar to their real-life counterparts.The Farrelly Brother's adaptation of the classic show tells us the tale of Moe, Larry, and Curly from their younger days in the orphanage to the present day where they have to save their old orphanage from foreclosure.The acting is pretty good. The guys playing the Stooges look and really acted like them so that was a pleasure to see. Larry David is really funny as one of the nuns. However about the cast of Jersey Shore.....uh no thanks! Overall, this is a decent adaptation, perhaps the best one you could ask for. The antics do grow old after awhile, but for what it's worth, they are quite funny. I do like the stomach-punching and the eye-gouging the best. There are some moments here that cracked me up big time and that actually surprised me. I thought this would be a total flop, but thankfully it's not. I rate this film 7/10.
Shane Edward Davies before I walked into this film, I had never ever watched any of the three stooges shorts. well, I watched one, and it was funny. So, I didn't know what to expect to be honest. will it be good or will it be bad?The Answer? Brilliant!I loved this film so much, I love how the film is all slapstick and heartfelt at the same time. Sean Hayes, Will Sasso and Chris Diamantopoulos did a damn good job on playing Larry, Curly & Moe. in all fairness, I'm gonna give this film a 9/10. for all the slapstick and the brilliant portrayal of the stooges.