The Swallow and the Titmouse

The Swallow and the Titmouse
7.2| 1h18m| en| More Info
Released: 05 June 1924 Released
Producted By: Pathé Frères
Country: France
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Herr Pierre Van Groot owns two barges. Van Groot, his wife, and his sister-in-law navigate along the north channels between Belgium and France. Herr Pierre transports construction material in his barges but he earns extra francs trafficking in diamonds, which he hides in the boat’s rudder. Pierre engages a new first mate, Michel, who gets wise to the diamond smuggling. The film was shot in 1920, but only shown once in its 80 minute entirety at a private screening in 1924.

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Pathé Frères

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