Monica NotLatina LoLa
The real plot of the movie, which most viewers didn't get because they were too busy trying to defend how the racist caucasian cops weren't racist & that they were only seen as racists because it was a couple of black men specifically "experimenting" on them (which isn't at all what they were really doing), is how one man is trying to get his hands on a large sum of money for his daughters' very much needed surgery for what I'm assuming is for an organ that she is too high on the waiting list to receive so he's relying on the black market in Argentina. To do so, the father and his partner, who may be a relative, cut a deal with a money launderer, assuring him they can take $300,000 fake bills and replace them with $300,000 securely from a real bank all under the false deception that they are performing a social experiment for a university, which we find out later in the film, but as we also find out the two also tell the cops that along with returning the stolen money (which is actually the counterfeit money) to the bank they also donate a good amount of money to the sheriff's department to cover any resources, such as the video tape the cops are required to use to record any interrogation on the suspect. The video tape is crucial to the plan which is why the con's are seen consistently making sure it is recording everything. The tape is played back in front of the sheriff and the con's after the "university experiment" lie is explained, so that the cop believes that he has treated the suspect with racist comments and methods such as saying the word "boy".::some reviewers are mad at this because they don't realize that, YES, the con IS pushing racism out of the cop who may not have actually been racist until meeting the somehow intimidating con.. some reviewers say "if this were in front of a black sheriff and a white con then the sheriff would still react racist by accident, which may be true, but THAT IS THE POINT ::if the sheriff act's on emotion, even a little and says something racist, such as "boy" when the con spit in his face (which is noticed after the con accused the sheriff of calling him "boy" even though the sheriff swears he doesn't recall saying that, it's because he might not have but the con needs him to), then the sheriff would be too cautious about his actions to let the tape be shown to anyone, so as needed by the cons -the sheriff will destroy the tape and the check made out to the department by the university for any trouble during the experiment (claiming in anger or embarrassment "we don't need your money"), which is good for the cons who don't actually want to be seen, via tape, in the town or actually have permission from any university to write a check out in their name. As we find out at the last scene of the movie, the bank robbery was actually Plan B. Plan A, as we can piece together after the key words earlier in the movie "if I can't accomplish this then what is my point in living", is to have the father die so that the family and daughter receive a very large life insurance.::if you're one of the people saying this movie wasn't realistic, because you may be an actual officer of the law, then "congratulations" you just pointed out that it's a freaking movie, not everyone who watches it is going to be a cop -- including the writer.::This movie is NOT (completely or maybe at all) about showing how racist cops can be towards African-Americans (therefore there's no point in complaining that If the roles were performed vice versa on different races, then the opposite race would be racist too). It's about pulling off a con. Though if you hadn't realized it was the latter, and only assumed the movie was pulling the race card too much and unjustifiably, then the writer may have actually pointed out a little racism hidden in you, because that was another point, that it MIGHT not have been justified, seeing as how these suspects were pulling a con. << Big TWIST again, yes the movie is full of them, on and off screen apparently.
How about this: two white guys go to a place where the racist crap that they and their ilk have practiced for generations plays way, way wrong for them?Now, let's look at the line-up on this movie: what, two or three non-whites... AAaaand how many whites? So, many years after the Civil Rights Movement -- and with all that's happened between then and now -- we need to have a white director and writer and a largely white cast "tell" us what's going on, huh?Does the movie "expose" anything? If you think that, and you've lived, for any significant stretch, in the USA, you've been choosing to not "see" what's been going on in this country, since its inception. "The Suspect" is, essentially, a racists' fantasy flick: imagine all those goody-two-shoes-PC types getting their comeuppance; revel in the fact that not only do things remain the same, but blast it out in a movie and pat yourself on the back.
First, let me say that I can't believe some users are posting such low reviews after having admitted to not even seeing the entire movie. They must be impressively psychic to know exactly how the movie ends without watching it all the way through! Their scores make the movie seem bad to others that may only just look at the composite score out of 10, when in actuality it is a very gripping and intriguing movie. Advice: Don't initially look too much into the plot (watch it cold like I did). Just sit back and enjoy everything as it unfolds. Don't judge anything while watching or wonder what makes sense or not. Don't try and scan for possible continuity errors. Don't mindlessly check Facebook or casually invest your attention to this movie. Don't think you know it all or are better than everyone (or possibly just better than everyone you are watching). Just watch and take it all in... This movie does all of the thinking for you and will even remind you as it goes with brief flashbacks to something a character has said. Save all of the aforementioned "don'ts" for when the credits roll and only then should you reflect back on the movie to gauge whether or not it was a valid use of your time and attention.I stumbled across it on Netflix and put it on very late into the night (actually, early morning) expecting it to be just the sleeping pill I needed. To my surprise, I remained riveted as the sun rose on the next day. Oops! Anyway, I'm glad I didn't miss out on this very smart film. Enjoy!
Good Movie story line, well acted.To Bad whomever was in charge of costumes, didn't bother with checking some of the props that were used on the uniforms of the Officers... the Sheriff had both a PFC and a Spc4 insignias on his uniform and all the officers were displaying multiple rank insignias of Private, corporal or Sergeant ranks at the same time. Noticed the insignia for Artillery on one shoulder panel and the Sheriff had infantry insignia on his breast pocket. Jeesh any military person could have advised them better than the person they had handling wardrobe.Other that that, not a bad movie..