The Sun

The Sun
6.4| 1h12m| en| More Info
Released: 02 August 2012 Released
Producted By: Crudo Films
Country: Argentina
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Checo and Once are two difficult teenagers who live and survive in Buenos Aires after a nuclear explosion with which the film begins. It turns the world to ashes, bringing incomprehensible social changes. But for Checo and Once, who are used to an uncertain existence, not much changes in this post-apocalyptic world.

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Crudo Films

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AH-Sama El Sol was screened at the Rotterdam Film Festival and funded by the Hubert Bals fund. What a waste of money. The animation is very crude and looks childish and is very uneven. The story starts off okay, but then becomes vague and relies on violence and shock. And even if you do like the story, seriously, the animation is so dire that you won't even care. 72 minutes feels like more than 3 hours with this one. It's a shame, because this guy made Mercano the Martian which was actually good... I voted a 2, and was ready to walk out after 15 minutes but actually stayed and watched the whole thing. Possible spoiler: I did like the first potato scene about 60% into the movie...