The Store

1983 "The Inner-Workings of a Department Store"
The Store
7.3| 1h58m| en| More Info
Released: 14 December 1983 Released
Producted By: Zipporah Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

THE STORE is a film about the main Neiman-Marcus store and corporate headquarters in Dallas. The sequences in the film include the selection, presentation, marketing, pricing, advertising and selling of a vast array of consumer products including designer clothes and furs, jewelry, perfumes, shoes, electronic products, sportswear, china and porcelain and many other goods. The internal management and organizational aspects of a large corporation are shown, i.e., sales meetings, development of marketing and advertising strategies, training, personnel practices and sales techniques.

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Zipporah Films

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