The Space Movie

7.3| 1h18m| G| en| More Info
Released: 17 November 1980 Released
Producted By: Virgin Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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1969's Apollo 11 mission to the moon is highlighted in this tribute to the history of the United States' space program.

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tronnge One of the most annoying aspects of this poorly produced "documentary" is its abysmal editing. Aside from the utter lack of chronological presentation (showing a shuttle orbiter test flight before the Apollo 11 splashdown is more than a bit confusing), there seems to be a lack of knowledge that the Apollo and Gemini programs were not the same, and that maybe they shouldn't intercut video of the slender black Gemini capsule with that of the much larger Apollo command module. The near total absence of narration does not help this problem in the least. Also, who decided that the only footage of astronauts to be shown would be people just dicking around on the surface of the moon, or playing catch and spinning around inside Skylab? What about science? The narrator mentions that we spent two billion dollars on the Skylab project, apparently because it was a neat idea. There is never any mention of the purpose of these various NASA programs, and never a mention of Gemini, despite the program's capsules appearing as stand-ins for the Apollo CM from time to time.As pointed out earlier they do mention the shuttle. However, they also include this line during it's brief segment. "While testing, it was launched from the back of a 747 to service Skylab and return safely to the earth." There are two major issues with that statement. Let's begin with the "launched from the back of a 747" part. While technically a launch, the orbiter pictured in the video is the 'Enterprise' "Approach and landing Test" vehicle. (i.e. it was never intended, or structurally capable of enduring the forces present in either a real launch or re-entry). That, and the orbiter cannot be launched into space from a 747, especially when it lacks the necessary rocket engines. The bit about servicing Skylab was apparently an idea at NASA, but due to Skylab's reentry and destruction in the upper atmosphere in July, 1979, this would be impossible. Considering this films release date, you would think they should have known this.The entire movie is just one huge example of how little the producers actually knew about NASA. It's as if they took a bunch of NASA stock footage, set it to an intrusively loud, overbearing, inappropriate soundtrack, added some inane comments about what food the Apollo-Soyuz astronauts/cosmonauts ate during their mission and released it to frolic with all the factually incorrect school textbooks floating around the country. There are really too many errors and omissions in the seemingly random mix of footage to note here, or probably for me to notice. But I assure you, if I did not know better I would be dumber for having seen this pathetic presentation about my country's space program.
dvejr I agree with the others who rave about this - it is one of my treasured old videocassettes.Another equally great documentary is not listed here on IMDb. Here is a library entry for it I found on-line:Format videocassette. Title The Greatest adventure the story of man's voyage to the moon Stamford, CT : Vestron Video, c1983.Phys.desc. 1 videocassette (54 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. Credits Photography, NASA ; editors, Steve Sabol, Phil Tuckett, Bob Angelo ;narrator, Orson Welles ; music, Sam Spence. Summary: Surveys the United States space program milestones which led to voyages to the moon. Includes NASA film footage and interviews with astronauts and technicians. Subject: Space flight to the moon.Moon -- Exploration. Welles, Orson, 1915-Sabol, Steve.Tuckett, Phil.Angelo, Bob. Alt.title The Greatest adventure, the story of man's voyage to the moon.The Story of man's voyage to the moon. Standard# VA 2005---------------- How can we get IMDb to add an obscure old documentary it has never heard of?Doug
John Frame It's clear that some liberties have been taken with authenticity in parts - e.g. near the end there's beautiful collage of space images which, from that time, could only have been highly informed artistic renderings. But with a 75 minute film possessing a title "The Space Movie" you get exactly what you would expect - an overview of some aspects of space. Tony Palmer gives us a romantic, informative and highly rewatchable account of the USA's 1969 Apollo 11 mission.It's full of passion and spectacle and the dramatic impact of Mike Oldfield's music is about the most complementary soundtrack work I've heard anywhere - including 2001 A Space Oddysey.I've watched my VHS of The Space Movie dozens of times in the last 20 years. And in the quarter century since it was made, this film has particular relevance in recording how we felt about the potential for space exploration - before NASA budget cuts, system failures and great tragedy made it quite clear that we're Earth-bound creatures.I also praise the excellent and uncredited narrator - whom I must assume to be Ed Bishop (of "UFO" fame as Cmmdr Straker).
BrendanG This is the ultimate documentary on space flight. The views are stunning- they perfectly match the narrative, the sounds, and above all- the music. It is both memorable and timeless. The music was written by Mike Oldfield, and no other space documentary is quite the same without his style..Could any distributor *please* release this on VHS or DVD- I must own a copy!