The Sound of the Spirit

5.7| 2h9m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 12 June 2012 Released
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Beautiful and precocious Rivka is a twelve-year-old Jewish girl who believes in Jesus. She and her father attend a Messianic Jewish congregation in their community. But when her father suddenly dies, Rivka's life changes forever. She ends up moving in with her traditional Jewish relatives and attending their synagogue. From her stormy relationship with her uncle, to a meeting with the synagogue’s senior rabbi, to the attention of the cutest boy in the synagogue, Rivka learns life lessons that stir her faith to new levels, touching the hearts of those whose lives she has reluctantly impacted. "The Sound of the Spirit" is the never-before-told story of a young girl caught in the crossfire of strong feelings between two faith communities. It’s told with humor, compassion, and grace.

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Ren Pedersen My daughter, Alexis and I watched "Sound of the Spirit" last night. I really appreciate the story because she is 12 and we are discussing a Bat Mitzvah. We can't have a traditional one at Kehillath Tsion so we are discussing an alternative. My wish is to go to Jerusalem with her. As you can imagine we resonated with "Sound of the Spirit". It was spot on! I can not emphasize that enough. I believe my daughter was especially blessed by the film. The poor girl has suffered many losses in the past decade and I think the character Rivka, gives an example of strength in the Lord Elohim. The Ruach haKodesh helps us get through many travails. In the film, Rivka, gives an excellent example of how to approach YHWH and wait on an answer. I hope Michael R. Wolf writes more movies. Thank you.
theoriginaljoyj I've seen this movie at least 3 times over the past few years (I'm one of those persons who'll watch movies I like over and over again). I've found this movie to be a tasteful presentation of the very real issue of the dividing line in Judaism and, I dare say, the wider world i.e. belief or non-belief in Jesus of Nazareth. The premise of a young Messianic Jewish girl forced to live with her Orthodox Jewish relatives after her father's untimely death is an interesting way of dealing with this extremely sensitive issue. The movie keeps raising the questions "What really makes someone Jewish?", "What does being Jewish mean?" and "Can someone be both Jewish and a believer in Jesus Christ?". I really like how the story deals with these questions and how the main character is guided by God's Spirit in finding the answer to her predicament. Secondly, the movie is wholesome, family-oriented entertainment, which I really appreciate, given some of the alternatives out there. The power of genuine and unconditional Love to reach out, to build a bridge over the divide and to reconcile people is another important theme in this movie. I especially like how that particular message is verbalized by the main character near the end. The main character is reconciled to her aunt and uncle through their love for her. She is reconciled to the wider Jewish community in her new neighborhood through the genuine care and concern of the Rabbi and other persons in the community. And she's allowed to continue to visit her Rabbi and friends at her former Messianic Jewish synagogue. As a Gentile follower of Jesus, the movie's message of Love's power is the real key to me - we are to live in, respond in and react in love (as well as truth and wisdom) to issues that divide us. Finger-pointing, accusations and stigmatizing does not help, heal or reconcile. Truth is most powerful when presented with genuine Love and Wisdom is most effective when executed with genuine Love.
rlslemmer I rate this six stars not because I liked the movie, but because it was instructive, even if I dislike what it taught.I was ignorant of messianic Judaism other than to know that some Jewish people become evangelicalist Christians. I did not know that these Jews held so tenaciously to their ethnic customs. It's almost as if they must still prove how Jewish they are! This really the whole point of this movie - that Messianics are just as Jewish as other Jews! That Jews should be tolerant and accepting of Messianics and vice-versa. They're all good people and all will end up in Heaven. Hogwash! Christians should know that much of the current practice of Judaism comes from the Talmud and the Mishna - traditions of men that nullify the commandments of God as condemned by Our Lord and having their origins in the pagan race worship of Babylon. The old Testament may be quoted and used by so-called Jews (most are not even related to anyone from biblical Palestine), but their belief system is extra- even anti-biblical. Judaism after Christ is the antichrist religion, identified specifically in John's first epistle. "Who is antichrist? He who denies that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh." Jews and Christians do not worship the same God."He who hath not the Son hath not the Father." They have appropriated to themselves another father, " You are of your father, the devil, who's works you do." Christians should have nothing to do with those who nullify Christ. The Talmud is blasphemous of of Our Lord Jesus, His Blessed Mother and of St. Joseph. Jews are the greatest anti-Semites be cause they hate the greatest Semites that ever lived - the Holy Family. They show their hatred of their own brethren by keeping them from their only Savior.Most problematic nowadays in Christian circles is the movement called Zionism, the idea that those who present themselves to be the Jewish race are entitled to the land of Palestine. Those who see the establishment of a Jewish state as a good thing, a sign of the end times. It may well be a sign, not a good one but of a step in the establishment of the reign of Antichrist. Support for the state of Israel comes at the expense of the Christians in Palestine not to mention American interests for peace in the world.The Jews should come to Jesus Christ and be saved. But they should truly convert and not hold on to pagan customs - in the same way that Animists, Hindus, Buddhists and other pagans should do. The Children of Abraham are those who hold the Faith of Abraham. This is not my opinion. It is the teaching of the Church and of the New Testament.
verk-838-90589 Sound of the Spirit has a nice story line but was week on the script and as a result, not much for the actors to work with.Like most Evangelically produced movies, even the "bad guys" are clean. Not that there are any bad guys, unless you put the "anti-missionary" Yosi in that roll. His character is only on screen or heard over a phone conversation for about a minute. The movie portrays him like a wide eyed lunatic who only wants to "deprogram" poor lost Jewish Souls. I have met several anti-missionaries and the ones I have met were intelligent, well spoken and passionate. None of them fell into the stereo-type portrayed in this movie. (note, I am a Messianic Jew.)Aside from the mediocre acting and less than professional writing, it had a good story line and attempted to depict the life of people in a Jewish Community Synagogue struggling with messianic Jews, and in this case, a recently orphaned young Messianic girl who is taken in by her estranged aunt and uncle They represent an elderly traditional Jewish couple. The dynamic tension played out in the synagogue meetings is vary superficial compared with the time given to Rivka, the star of the show.It is a movie worth watching once to help begin a discussion in any faith community about the tensions that exist where differing view live shoulder to shoulder. If I were to put this movie into a category, it would have to be, "Sappy Stereotypical Religious" This is an example of a good idea with a bad execution.