'Skeleton Twins' is directed and co-written (together with Mark Heyman) by Craig Johnson. The movie follows the story of twins, played by Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig, who are reunited after a 10-year period of not talking to each other. The reason for this reunion is the failed suicide attempt by Bill Hader's character, Milo. His twin sister Maggie decides to take him in to look after him but it's clear that she isn't even able to take care of herself. The movie opens with the suicide attempt by Milo, ready to slit his wrists and Maggie, ready to overdose on pills. Milo's failure results in Maggie's failure, because the hospital calls her up informing about her brother's radical decision, which prevents her from taking the pills. We as a viewer are the only ones who know about Maggie's failed attempt, which makes her character interesting to follow. The contrast between what she says and obviously (to us) feels elevates the dialogue and her relation with both her brother and her husband Lance, played by Luke Wilson. The cast in this comedy-drama is superb. The drama clearly outweighs the comedy in this picture, and therefore it's interesting to see how Craig Johnson opted for actors you usually see in pure comedies or even Saturday Night Live. It did pay off however, the entire cast was superb. Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader had an amazing chemistry - they both worked together on SNL – and were credible as twins. Maybe less credible as twins who hadn't seen each other in 10 years, because it felt as if they had never been apart. Luke Wilson and Ty Burrell (Modern Family) gave amazing performances as well. Wilson was great in both the comedic scenes and dramatic scenes. Ty Burrell played surprisingly a very restrained, serious character and delivered in every scene he was in. As I said, the drama outweighs the comedy in this one. There are some funny scenes but the themes the movie touched upon were quite heavy. Suicide and what comes after if you live is the main theme in this movie and this isn't the one you usually make jokes about. Craig Johnson looked more for comic relief in his characters than in this main theme, the comedy didn't go the dark way thus. Nothing wrong with dark comedy about sensitive, heavy topics however, '50/50' succeeded in making tasteful jokes about cancer and dealing with the disease. The characters are vital to the movie. Without you caring about them, this movie will bore you out of your mind. Craig Johnson succeeds at making you care about the characters, which makes the dramatic moments even more powerful. However, as the movie progressed, the movie didn't always get my full attention. The characters didn't develop throughout the movie, stayed more or less the same. When your story depends this much on your characters, it would be beneficial to the movie to have a story or character arch. The movie didn't and luckily the performances and comedic relief were good enough to save the movie from becoming boring.'Skeleton Twins' is a sweet movie about suicide, family, impermissible relations, with great performances. Don't expect a laugh out loud comedy, this is a drama with some subtle comedic tones.
This is such a refreshingly different film - character-driven and somehow managing to be tragic and and painful and funny, all at the same time. Co-written and directed by Craig Johnson, it stars two excellent actors as the eponymous siblings: Kristen Wiig ("Bridesmaids") and Bill Hader ("Trainwreck") as Maggie and Milo, both of whom have been mixed up since children and, following a breach of ten years, resume their relationship following suicide attempts. A particularly memorable scene is when the twins mime together to "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" by Starship.
SNL alums Bill Hader and Kristin Wiig star as twins who both cheat death coincidentally on the same day, which ends up bringing their lives closer together. I saw the title of this movie, and the stars, and just made the assumption this was some sorta wacky twins comedy- which there have been a few of in recent years-?? But this is more of a straight up serious drama. Both our stars are really good in this, and the starting out with the cheating death part really gives the movie that extra edge to get the ball rolling, which reveals more about their childhoods as the film goes on. I will admit- the movie was slow at times, but overall I'd give this a recommend, if for anything, to check out the performances of our two stars. Luke Wilson and Ty Burrell co-star.
Tom Dooley
Twins Milo and Maggie have not seen each other for ten years then Maggie gets a call to say her estranged brother is in hospital after a failed suicide attempt.She goes to see him out in L.A. and brings him back to New York. There he gets to confront his past, their joint histories and whatever the future may hold. This is essentially them getting to know each other again after such a long hiatus and in doing so holding up a metaphoric mirror to each other.Now this started out a bit slow but once it picked up it is really engaging. Bill Hader as Milo manages to capture the complexities of some one full of life's disappointment but still with reserves of joy that just need tapping. Kristen Wiig plays his sister who has more layers than an onion in terms of how she juggles her various needs. In other words they are both just really human with the same frailties we all have. This is a comedy but it is somewhat dark and often wry but I still found this to be extremely enjoyable for all that – recommended to those who like an offbeat comedy.