The Secret World of Arrietty is an anime movie directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi and dubbed by Walt Disney. A sickly teenage boy by the name of Shawn is sent to his mother's childhood home to be taken care of by his grandmother before he undergoes heart surgery. While staying, he encounters a tiny teenage girl named Arrietty while she is scavenging through the house. She is a member of a race of tiny humans known as the borrowers who aim not to be discovered by humans as they live in hiding, which Shawn is destined to keep Arrietty and her family from being discovered by the home's maid.Now this film is not directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki, he only planned and wrote the screenplay to the movie and even if he didn't direct the movie it's still pretty solid. What you will notice early on is that the movie has very limited dialogue, which help sets a calm tone. It feels quite refreshing to see that as it gives the audience quite a bit time to relax with the main characters, and that's exactly what the movie does. Whether it's Arrietty exploring the home or Shawn having to deal with his lifelong sickness, the movie ends up being an overall relaxing experience. Even the more intense moments still feel somewhat relaxing.Like the other Ghibli films, the movie is beautifully and smoothly animated. The backgrounds look like they came out of a painting, moreso than the other Ghibli movies I've seen. Either way, the movie gives us both the perspectives of the humans and the borrowers. When we see the perspective of the borrowers, the backgrounds are usually to scale to them and usually don't appear to be large in scale compared to the borrowers. This makes the adventures throughout the house feel very engaging as a result. There were a couple of times where the backgrounds did confuse me, but it wasn't a huge problem.The movie's main theme is being brave and gaining courage to face your fears. I found the execution to be well done, but I think it could've been done a little bit better. I think it mainly has to do with the short running time. I won't go into much detail regarding this since it does dive into spoiler territory.Overall, the movie's simple, well animated, engaging, heartfelt and relaxing. This movie is well worth your time regardless of whether you're a Ghibli fan or not.9/10
Magsi Rover (magsirover)
Watching this film was like a package of everything that I loved from Alice and wonderland, The Borrowers (A movie) and Thumbalina adaptations. It was indeed a welcome surprise, surreal to the taste and a spectacular amount of visual content. The cinamatic approach of the animation was amazing. Music selection, and structure all of which was definitely carefully laid out in order to make this animation. I commend Ghibli Studios for another job well done and will continue to root for all of their works in the future. If you're curious on what this animation movie has to offer, I suggest that you watch it without expecting anything from it and focus on the visuals and story in general. Character developments were simple and yet, without making it difficult for the viewers was indeed able to project the depth of their roles. please do watch The Secret World of Arriety. One of the amazing films made by these wonderful animators of our time.
Okay, let me get this out of the way right now. This is NOT a kids movie. Well, let me rephrase that: It's not aimed at kids but kids can watch it. This movie is much more about atmosphere and tender character moments. It's story on the other hand, sort of moves and meanders without too much focus. However, unlike movies other movies that took forever to get started, I didn't mind it because the characters were just that endearing. However, I can see the slow pace and more quiet atmosphere being a huge problem for many kids. If I were to recommend this, I'd say that older kids (Maybe around 11 or 12) and adults would enjoy and appreciate this movie.
Python Hyena
The Secret World of Arrietty (2010): Dir: Hiromasa Yonebayashi / Voices: Bridgit Mendler, David Henrie, Will Arnett, Amy Pohler, Carol Burnett: Gloriously beautiful Japanese animation about the overwhelming world inhabited by little people known as borrowers. Shawn is a teenager with a heart condition sent to live with his great aunt and her scheming housekeeper. He knows about the borrowers and establishes a friendship with teenage Arrietty who is anxious for her first borrowing experience. When the people are asleep, her father leads the mission that involves high staking climbs for sugar cubes and tissue. They struggle to avoid being seen by humans because it threatens their existence and that is the one problem with the film. Its conclusion leaves the impression that these borrowers cannot co-exist with humans but one gets the impression that things could have worked reasonably with Shawn and his aunt. Directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi and released in Japan in 2010 before making a UK transfer in 2011. Finally it receives an American release complete with new voice overs that work. Bridgit Mendler voices the heroic Arrietty who braves the impossible. David Henrie voices Shawn whom she comes to understand and connect with. Will Arnett and Amy Pohler voice the parents who worry about their daughter. Even Carol Burnett lends her voice to the American dubbing of this film. Strong theme regarding family and friendship but its best element is the stunning animation full of gorgeous detail that heightens Arrietty's world in full blown awe. Score: 9 / 10