The Republic of Rick

The Republic of Rick
6.6| 1h20m| en| More Info
Released: 19 January 2014 Released
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Budget: 0
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Rick Launer, the Ambassador of the Republic of Texas club, spends his days at Alamo reenactments and haranguing US mailmen to get off Texas soil. But when he takes things too far, he’s jailed and kicked out of his beloved club. Out on bail and a warrant on his head, he manipulates a group of paranoid eccentrics to protect him from the hand of the “oppressive government.” Rick must confront what it takes to be a true leader, as a modern day Alamo unfolds on national television.

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SLUGMagazineFilms Opening with the most elaborate—and arguably historically inaccurate—reenactments of the Battle of the Alamo ever put together, The Republic of Rick is awkwardly hilarious right from the get-go. TRofR is set in 1998 in West Texas, following Rick Launer (Dave Abed), the Ambassador for the Republic of Texas Club, as he is impeached from his position, leads a handful of extremists loyal to his cause to start a commune of sorts in tents outside of his trailer home and slowly begins to work towards a Waco situation. Loosely based on Rick McLaren, TRofR contains acting so spot on conservative republican, there may be several points throughout this film that make you wonder if it might actually be a documentary—Becky Leigh, as Rick's "Ambassadress" wife Tandy, is particularly on-target and provides a nearly flawless performance. With the overwhelming number of serious, heavily emotional films at Slamdance this year, give yourself a break and go have a laugh with this fun film.