The Replacements

2000 "Throw the ball. Catch the girl. Keep it simple."
6.6| 1h58m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 11 August 2000 Released
Producted By: Warner Bros. Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Maverick old-guard coach Jimmy McGinty is hired in the wake of a players' strike to help the Washington Sentinels advance to the playoffs. But that impossible dream hinges on whether his replacements can hunker down and do the job. So, McGinty dusts off his secret dossier of ex-players who never got a chance (or screwed up the one they were given) and knits together a bad-dream team of guys who just may give the Sentinels their title shot.

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ivko This movie is entertaining, but it's basically one giant straw man argument glorifying the team owners position concerning player's salaries. The professional players are all greedy jerks while the owners are in it for the "love of the game". Here's the reality:--Forbes estimates that a team purchased for $180 million would be worth $2.4 billion 20 years later (based upon Jeff Laurie's purchase of the Eagles in 1996), and that is not counting income generated over those 20 years, just purchase and sale price. That translates to about a 13 percent annual capital growth.-- On average, Forbes calculates that NFL teams earn $89 million in annual operating income before debt service and taxes.-- The average NFL player income is $1.9 million/year, but this is highly misleading because a relatively small number of players make larger incomes while most make a lot less for a much shorter time. According to Business Insider, 70 percent of players in the NFL are between 22 and 27, and their average salary is closer to $1.4 million/year.-- The average career length in the NFL is about 6 years according to the NFL and 3.3 years according to the player's association. Less than 10 percent play past 30.-- 96 percent of former player's brains studied post mortem showed evidence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy; basically, severe brain damage that leads to horrific conditions later in life. This doesn't mean 96 percent of players have this, but it does mean these guys are putting themselves at serious risk for their careers.-- According to the book "League of Denial: The NFL, Concussions and the Battle for Truth", the league (i.e. the owners and administrators) probably knew about the long-term health complications of playing NFL football for years and worked hard to keep it out of the news and undercut studies about it.Yes, NFL players still make a lot more than most of us ever will, but I have trouble thinking the owners are the good guys and the players are all greedy tools. Whenever I see this movie I can't help thinking about all of this, entertaining or not.
PWNYCNY Although this movie is about scabs, and the people who enable them, the movie is surprisingly upbeat, although not necessarily amusing. The movie is about people being given a second chance, although in this case at other people's expense. The movie also is about how a good coach can turn losers into winners and how it is often impossible to differentiate the two. Keanu Reeves is wonderful in the principal role of Shane Falco, a washed up quarterback, who is brought back from oblivion to enjoy a moment of glory. Brooke Langton is positively charming as the cheer leader who literally cheers on Falco. However, the strongest performance is by Gene Hackman who plays Falco's coach and who has to make a decision which puts his moral courage to the test.
ronnieaka " I have seen this movie in excess of 20 times and will no doubt see it 20 more times, it is the best feel-good movie I have ever seen.""When I want drama and suspense I will watch "The Green Mile" when I want simple, comedy that just leaves me with a huge grin I will watch the replacements."by user Theoriginaltruebrit truly portrays what this movie is aboutyou watch movies, to relieve yourself of the routine exhaustion and take a break off from the daily hassles and stress and boredom and have a good hearty laugh and a good time. This movie is one of those movies. You sure as hell will laugh many times throughout the movie, its a feel-good movie, and you will definitely love that song "I'll survive" after you've watched this moviePerfect movie if you just wanna feel good and be happy for an hour and more,just don't forget ordering a pizza or make yourself some pop corn and have chilled beers.. Man this movie rocks!Now the user Theoriginaltruebrit may have seen it 20 times (good for him! I'll definitely break that record!) but i've seen it only around 6- 7 times and I'll be seeing it more.. often now and then whenever it comes on Star Movies or HBO or WB (hollywood movie channels in India), and that my friend, is the feeling you have after watching such a movie.I mean even a movie like Iron Man i've seen repeatedly but only in parts. This movie i can see wholly, no kiddingAlso i want to say why i rated this movie 9/10 Its got awesome characters,each with their own very unique idiosyncrasies that would grow on you, and you will love the overall development/progress in the movie. Even the cheerleaders were hot! Most of all, Gene Hackman was perfect as the coach. He reminded me of this teacher i had in school, and he totally understood us students, taught well too, but used to be so total fun but strict and motivating when need be. The 'right-guy', who leads you on the path of glory.See, it is a light weight, lightly humorous movie, and if you don't get it or expect laughs like you will from,say, The Mask,or Dumb and Dumber,then forget it. Its awesome the way it is. You will get it if you watch it.For me, i say its a must watch!
Brian Wright The football season approaches and I searched around for football movies that "make a difference." But I can honestly say for me The Replacements with Keanu Reeves and Gene Hackman occupies a special status in the football-movie heavens. I've watched it many times and have been thoroughly amused even inspired on each occasion. So what's the appeal? Probably that it's more escapist fun with a lot of very cool music, clever humor, and wicked choreography than you find in more realistic portrayals. ... For my complete review of this movie and for other movie and book reviews, please visit my site Wright Copyright 2007