The Pyramid

2014 "You Only Enter Once."
4.6| 1h29m| R| en| More Info
Released: 05 December 2014 Released
Producted By: Fox International Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An archaeological team attempt to unlock the secrets of a lost pyramid only to find themselves hunted by an insidious creature.

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Fox International Productions

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drgreenthumb1001 Its like the producers saw what they Director had done, and decided to cut their losses...One of the plot devices they use to propel the story is the fact their is political upheaval going on in the same area as this discovery, which shortens the window for our explorers. The show this by showing a typical MiddleEast/Egyptian town from above. They then added about 4 black wisps of acrid CGI smoke in random spots as evidence of that political upheaval. The problem is it is some of the worst smoke CGI you will ever see, and it only gets worse at the end when Ra or whomever the Egyptian God, is revealed. If you thought that black smoke CGI looked fake, wait till you get a load of Ra.I was hoping from the pantie peek at the beginning wed see more of Hinshaw, and maybe her UK actor bf for the ladies, but this movie is neither fun nor sexy and wastes the young nubile actors. It shrouds them in darkness, with Hinshaw unattractively whining throughout the movie like a spoiled brat.In the end, you dont even care they all get their come-uppance, as lazy writing and odd camera work that is one moment found footage, and the next an angle on a cameraman would take that shot from....just a mess of a movie and I think the producers knew it before the movie was even finished
BA_Harrison A team of intrepid archaeologists and documentary film makers become lost in the bowels of a mysterious 3-sided pyramid, where they find themselves faced with deadly pitfalls, menaced by flesh-eating sphinx cats and hunted by the jackal-headed Egyptian god Anubis, who tears out his victims' hearts.Many a found-footage horror film should carry a warning: Caution! May cause nausea and drowsiness. The Pyramid, however, is one of those rare instances where the hand-held camera style is not too intrusive and the horror aspect is gripping enough to prevent the viewer from nodding off.Admittedly, the script isn't all that original, borrowing heavily from hits such as The Descent (a claustrophobic subterranean location is home to deadly creatures), The Blair Witch Project (characters become lost and are attacked by a legendary being) and even Raiders of the Lost Ark (an Egyptian temple is laden with labyrinthine passageways and booby traps), but first-time director Grégory Levasseur injects enough suspense, effective scares, intriguing mythology and gory thrills into proceedings to make this a fun ride despite the over familiarity of the material and the rather ropey looking CGI Anubis.6/10. Many IMDb reviewers have been rather harsh about this film. I, on the other hand, may have been a touch too generous with my appraisal (I'm a sucker for 'lost temple' adventures). The truth is there are a lot worse films you could be wasting your time with.
GL84 Unearthing an unusual Egyptian pyramid, an archaeological team and a news-crew following them become trapped inside the tomb where they find a series of creatures inside with them and must battle the eternal creatures and the traps for them to get out alive.This here turned out to be quite the pedestrian if intriguing effort. What really tends to lower this one is the fact that it's filled to the brim with rather simple and overused scenes that give this one quite the overly familiar tone throughout here. The scares here are the same type of typical variations of scenes with extreme quiet broken by sudden outbursts of loud screechy noises or totally unexplained moments of something coming across the screen from out of nowhere that simply makes this one way too repetitive and familiar. When it moves away from these types of scenes, there's not a whole lot of elements here with this one just not featuring all that many scenes with this one going for them just being completely lost and wandering around complaining over each other about the situation or just yelling out into the darkness which aren't really all that enjoyable to sit through here. That also tends to stop this one with it's just plain abysmal CGI that really undoes a great deal with this one featuring some of the weakest and truly unconvincing work here with the main creature as well as the subservient ones just looking way too splotchy and unappealing which really doesn't look good here at all. There's still some solid and enjoyable parts here with the rather intriguing suspense scenes in this one. This one starts off rather nicely with the investigation of the pit and the resulting trap they set-off which gives this one the perfect setting of the ancient curses so commonly found here, the first exploration of the tunnel with the robot is quite creepy and mysterious with the fine excuse for venturing into the pyramid itself while that venture inside gives this one some solid fun here. The scenes in the pyramid where they discover the secret life of the ancient Egyptians makes for some creepy scenarios that set this one in motion and gives the film the kind of atmosphere and action that really could've made this one intriguing, and the big scene where they get trapped inside the tunnel is a rather enjoyable action set- piece. Once inside, these setups become all that much more fun with the pyramid not only containing several enjoyable and logical traps set for explorers but also finding the creatures stuck inside with them before getting on to the other giant creature trapped in there that gives this a much higher and enjoyable sense of fun here with the enhanced fun that comes from the strong series of encounters found here which really gives this one a lot of good action in the finale where they continually confront it and try to hide to get away. It's a great sense of action that ends this one nicely and helps to overcome some of the flaws but not all of them.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language and Brief Nudity.
Fuego Johnson Let me preface my review of this nonsense by saying that I am a fan of the horror genre, and more specifically, the "creature feature" sub-genre within the horror universe. I'm also a huge fan of the "found footage" style of filmmaking when it is done correctly, as it can add a layer of realism that cannot be found elsewhere. The reason i'm prefacing with these statements is to show that, despite all the negativity surrounding it, "The Pyramid" was a movie I thought I might enjoy. Unfortunately for me and my precious time, this was not the case. I could go into a verbose, analytical breakdown of why this movie is so bad but I won't, simply because this movie does not deserve the time or effort. I'm only writing this review so that I will, hopefully, save some of you folks an hour and twenty-nine minutes of precious time which can be spent doing something far more enjoyable. The script of "The Pyramid" is ludicrous, filled with horror clichés which have been rehashed a thousand times over, and none of which are done even remotely well. The special effects utilized in this film rely heavily on CGI, which in turn severely diminishes the realism the director was going for with the "found footage" style. The CGI isn't particularly good, either; scenes in which it is used feel overly cheesy and quite unrealistic. The painful special effects, along with bad writing and acting that oscillates from mediocre to terrible, come together to form the laughably incoherent experience that is "The Pyramid". And laughable is what this film is, whether it was intended to be or not(it wasn't). I found myself having a few "lol" moments during scenes that were meant to be scary, which obviously detracts from the whole horror thing the movie was aiming for. If "The Pyramid" was a marksman and horror was the bullseye, then the bullet hit the trees somewhere behind the target. If you still intend to watch this movie after all this, then take solace in the fact that you should get a good laugh or two along the way. In the end, there is no reason to mince words; "The Pyramid" is a bad movie, no matter how you draw it up. Seriously, you could spend your time doing almost anything else and receive more gratification from it(prison seems to be the only notable exception I can think of at this very moment). Please don't do anything that will land yourself in prison folks. If you do, however, at least you will be free from exposure to this movie. I give "The Pyramid" a 3/10 simply because it is not the worst movie I've ever seen. That isn't exactly a ringing endorsement, either.