This film is essentially a German version of Warner Bros' 2007 dramedy The Bucket List (since Der Geilste Tag is also distributed by WB, one wonders if this is actually a localized remake of the film), with a few notable modifications, the most obvious one being that the central duo are now young men presumably in their late 20s.The film does a decent job presenting its premise and the scenery, shot in the same vein as 2013's Ben Stiller vehicle The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, is beautiful to behold, combining to make a passable road movie. Unfortunately, the film suffers from a lack of real depth in its two central characters. The Bucket List, whose screenplay had not been one of its strengths, at least presented its main characters in a roughly convincing fashion, and was really helped by Nicholson and Freeman's reliably amazing performances. Here in Der Geilste Tag, the combination of the script and the two main actors are not on the same level. The overuse of montage, which breaks apart any notion of rhythm and reasonable pacing, also serves to mask the fact that plot wise, there is simply not a lot of interesting stuff going on here compared to better road movies. There is an abundance of cheesy American pop music (way too many of them to the point of distracting) that would make even an average mainstream Hollywood comedy pale in comparison. Along with such uninspiring cliches as "today is the first day of the rest of your life" message (which most first year film school student would find boring) from a fortune cookie, all the little details, which are still creative decisions on the filmmakers' part, do not at all help with a film where the subject matter is supposed to be serious.As a road movie about the bonding of two men, this film just about passes the mark. As a dramedy touching on such a sensitive topic, it fails to meet its potential. Since I rated The Bucket List 7/10, this film gets a 6 from me.
Whenever a new Schweighöfer or Schwieger movie comes out I'm expecting the ever same roles, tones, acting, actors, storyline. This time though the story resolved around two very sick man who happened to share a room in the hospital. They get bored and decide to make the most out of the rest of their lives.While this is clearly a feel good movie for in between it is still a Schweighöfer movie at the core. I watched the movie two times but it was very hard to make it through both times. I was hoping to get some fresh ideas but instead got the ever same jokes. If you like other Schweighöfer movies you will like this one two but for me personally: Disappointed but not surprised.
Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Der geilste Tag" is a German movie from this year and probably among our country's most known from this year. But sadly nowhere near the very best I must say. Florian David Fitz has written a film here and there, but as a director this is only his second work I believe. His most prolific field is clearly still acting these days. And even if he is only second in cast listing, this film is at least as much about him as it is about Matthias Schweighöfer's character. Now you also have the name of the other lead in here. I myself cannot say I am a fan of Schweighöfer at all. In my opinion, he plays the exact same character in all his films in terms of his acting and gives zero individual approach to his choices. Really overrated and mediocre at best that guy. I wish I could say that this movie here changes my perception of him, but nope. I do think Fitz is a solid actor, writer and director, but his casting decision pro Schweighöfer here really hurt the film overall. A lot. The mere fact that his physical appearance was changed was obviously far from enough to make it work.But I cannot really go easy on Florian David Fitz here either. The screenplay is way worse than his work for "Vincent will Meer" for example, about as bad as "Jesus loves me", just a different kind of bad. The film starts with a really pretentious quote from Schweighöfer's character already and the major plot point we see early on right away before we see how it happened in detail felt like something very desperate to get audiences curious and not like a creative approach at all. And the ending? Oh well.. With part of it somewhat happy, it felt like a clumsy attempt at giving the audience a fairly happy ending with a smile on their lips when they leave the cinema, also because the final scene is all about Fitz' character. But still of course the tear-jerk bait about Schweighöfer's is included. As a whole, this felt very similar to most Schweighöfer films. A mix of drama and comedy, maybe a bit more serious than usual, but not too many jokes worked out convincingly at all. Eventually, it is just another film that adds to the over-exposure in German media and film when it comes to Schweighöfer. There is nothing about his range or talent that justifies a career as big as he is having right now, as he has been having for a decade or so. He may have recognition value and I guess that's enough for most people. But this is just appealing to the untrained eye. The film plays in Africa for quite a while and this was possibly where it was at his weakest as there were moments like Schweighöfer's character learning a lesson when he looks at a little African boy. It tried so hard to be touching, but came so short. On a side-note, German film fans may find Alexandra Maria Lara and Rainer Bock in here, but these two have very little to work with. It's all about the two main characters and Fotz is of course infinitely better than his co-lead, but not that great either. I give "Der geilste Tag" (pretty bad title too and the moment when one of the two asks if they already achieved "the greatest day", it is pretty cringeworthy) a thumbs-down. Not recommended.