Every girl should watch this movie carefully. This show who are the cheaters and who are the real lovers.
Geeze this movie had a lot of potential. I know it was an over dramatization of a real situation, but i feel like this movie could have delivered so much more. There are parts of the movie that are really strong, and you become intrigued and you feel very invested in the movie, but it falls flat almost immediately. The ending somewhat saved it, but you don't necessarily feel her loss, you just feel somewhat benign. I would love to see a remake of this movie, but with a better screenplay. I loved the lead male photographer and female model. you also see full front of a very hairy dude. Hes hot but not well groomed. thats not a spoiler. its just a fact.
Maybe without the Neon and definitely not as good as the Refn movie I'm referring too. But still quite good for a B-movie with a similar story. The life of models is a tough one you see? But how tough and how people are handling the issues that arise depends on the person themselves and how they act and react to certain situations.Having said that, be aware that there is nudity, though that should not be the main selling point nor the main reason why you should avoid it (hopefully). Very powerful performances and a really good well thought of script (with some clichés thrown in for good measure of course as always), that will keep the suspense up until the end.
I have to say that it is a strong 8/10. The movie is showing how easily modeling/fashion industry can manipulate young and inexperienced. What I liked the most (!!!minor spoiler!!!) was the opening scene showcasing the streets of Paris. These scenes were shown also at the end of the movie and made great framing of the whole movie. What is more important is that after experiencing the movie we are not going to look at, the ending photos of these street in Paris, the same. They are no longer going to be so innocently to the eyes of the audience. Anyway, I would strongly recommend this movie to everyone who enjoys watching drama focused around the life of newly "discovered" model in the fashion industry. I also think that "The Model" is also right movie, for anyone who likes to watch something slightly more demanding than another blockbuster movie.